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From the age of 10 he dreamed of becoming a self-made millionaire. He loved to spend hours tearing down engines and putting them back together again. He knew someday he would create the fastest car on the race track, and that a beautiful lady would sit in the stands, on the edge of her seat, waiting for him to cross the finish line. The race would be over, he would be the winner and they would passionately embrace, tell each other how much they love each other and look forward to the next time they would embrace at the end of the day. He was now the driver and he would race-off to join his expert mechanics to determine how they could shave-off a few seconds in the upcoming race. She would hurry home to their precious baby girl. They were a handsome and intelligent couple, and they couldn’t wait to spend time together, later that evening, enjoying a delicious celebration feast, made by her, while she swelled with pride and love for her man. She jointly prepared, in her mind, the next article for “Racer’s Edge” magazine (her pride and joy publication). Dinner time was drawing near, the scent of her feast filled the air, and his family would be waiting patiently for their hero to arrive.
Life is meant for celebrations of happiness, enjoyed when one creates something of value to one’s own heart. The pride and joy experienced creating something that warms one’s heart spills-over into other’s lives. The spill-over is the attractiveness of the love that reflects outward to one’s family and to the rest of the world, if one desires to be famous. Most likely, if fame is attained, so is wealth. Creating something of value to the masses secures wealth, if one acts-upon their value creation and builds more and more for more and more people to enjoy.
The love that grows between a man and a woman is joint value creation. A man can create value in his work and so can a woman. The love between them grows when they mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually celebrate each other’s existence. It is difficult for a man to feel good about himself unless he is creating and developing significant values for himself and others. He needs to feel valuable to feel happiness.
If a man isn’t feeling happiness by creating values for others, he can easily sink into depression when he has nothing to tempt his mind into creating images that become reality. Watching television whether football or a reality show are only ways to pass-the-time, as he dreams that someday he can be the one making the fans happy with his own success created by his efforts.
Oftentimes joining “buddies” for a drink becomes less exciting, and he always longs to have the money to create that race car that would put him in the driver’s seat of life. Sadly, the burden of mounting debts never seem to leave his mind, as he sinks into the rut like so many other young men.
How can he get back the feeling he felt when he first started building engines for the rich man down the lane? There are ways to do so and we can offer ways to help you get the feeling of passion back.
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