Change Your Life With Neothink!
My discovering the writings of Mark Hamilton, and the concepts of Neothink, literally helped me to change my life. Mark Hamilton has created a method of thought application — a way of using your mind — that teaches not just linear thinking, but encourages quantum leaps
of understanding. Neothink teaches a conceptual organization method that creates new neuropath ways between the creative right-brain mind, the everyday mundane mind, and mundane activities thereby giving a deeper and broader comprehension simultaneously. This allows the Neothink mind a more complete understanding and broader ability to assimilate large quantities of information into a usable layout of activities designed to swiftly create one’s chosen goal.
Neothink teaches the mind to see the puzzle being built — and all the pieces needed to go into it — and then, like in a children’s activity book, the line of actions required to take the idea from cognition to creation. Mark Hamilton calls this “building a superpuzzle.” Other people who have learned, and utilized, his methods call them simply brilliant.
Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature is the modern-day equivalent to sitting at the knee of Socrates while he expounds upon his philosophical and intellectual ideas. But great minds are often considered threatening to those currently in power. In Mark Hamilton, and Neothink, our Society and indeed our Age, has a modern-day visionary, a man who believes in the higher ideals, and cares enough about humanity to dedicate his life to sharing those ideals and philosophy with his fellow humans.
In every era, the newest ideas are ridiculed, feared, and fought. It wasn’t so long ago that everyone believed the earth was flat. Everyone “knew” that to be true. Entertaining any other idea was considered insane. Using leeches to cure disease was the height of modern science. There was no better method. That was considered a fact, and everyone believed it. Never mind that people were mostly dying from problems that leeches couldn’t cure, and often dying from the bloodletting itself.
In more modern times, one man posited the theory that a huge asteroid collided with the earth and caused a catastrophic event resulting in the sudden demise of most of the life on this planet including the dinosaurs. This theory was absolutely ridiculed when presented. The scientific community rejected the author, a fellow scientist, and put down the idea as completely impossible. I know this occurred, as my father was a friend of this scientist author. This theory is now an accepted probability within the scientific domain, with much factual data to support it. The original scientist’s name has been primarily erased in connection with this asteroid theory, but the entire shift in thinking was the result of one man supporting an unpopular idea. Now it’s considered fact.
Mark Hamilton’s philosophy and ideas, along with Neothink, will similarly be hailed one day as truth, taught in schools as accepted logical mental organizational skills. Children will laugh to hear that these concepts and his writings were not immediately adopted country-wide, indeed world-wide, as an approach to higher mental thought. Mark Hamilton’s ideas and literature have helped me learn to crystalize and clarify my thoughts and create instant focus, and then organize a step-by-step plan of action towards my goals. He has given my thoughts, actions, and indeed my life, more meaning. In part he has done this by helping me to reclaim my deepest, most genuine self, and in doing so, understand those aspects of myself that give me motivation. This is priceless.
If one does not have this innermost awareness of one’s own motivations and needs, it becomes increasingly difficult over the years to know how to create deep joy and excitement, to create a life worth living. Mark Hamilton’s concepts help relieve those feelings of ennui and hopelessness that many people struggle with in life. His literature and ideas can help give children clear thinking right from the start, and allow them to retain that excitement their entire lives. Mark Hamilton’s literature can help adults reinstate that magic of life, that joy at being alive that most of us lose as we become older. Mark Hamilton has done this for me, as well as for many, many others. I hope you get to experience this shift in thinking and in life approach by reading his literature. Give yourself this opportunity to create a renaissance in your own life.
Lisa N
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