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Why do we ask for more government control in our lives, is it because we have resorted to laziness?
I believe that instead of asking for more government agencies and workers we should be freeing the companies to have their own quality control. Technology could soar if there were less control and more honesty delivered to the People. Research and Development should fall in the hands of the people, not a controlling governmental agency. The problem stems from over-regulating, not under-regulating.
In theory, governmental regulation of our lives sounds good. But, is it? One can look back to the railroad industry to see one of the earliest abuses of government power and greed. Few realize that James J. Hill, a very generous man was building railroads on his own and competing with the government funded railroads. Railroads were an important piece to the puzzle for development of all the resources to build a healthy and wealthy nation. The people could be transported to unsettled areas to develop our natural resources to further the development of this once strong country. Mr. Hill, built railroads in the northern part of America. He competed with the southern railroads, and was increasing the standard of living for many families (perhaps your own), until the government and some wealthy elite people, decided he should be stopped. They did just that. A man who had sparked the logging, mining, farming, communities’ growth in the West was shut-down. He even had hopes for bringing our cotton to Asia, and was moving into the shipping industry.
Who funds the salaries of government workers? The people. Who would fund the research and development of research and development if it was being done on a company by company basis? The actual companies. We have seen the government, whose role is to protect the people, become one of power and control, not protection
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