I have visited several web sites purporting to have the whole truth about Neothink. Unfortunately, the vast majority of contributors do not have an honest clue to what that philosophy is all about. Even so, I do not presume to enlighten them on something they are totally convinced to be the truth. As an alternative I am only going to give you an insight to me and let the chips fall where they may.
First of all, my core beliefs culminate around the simple fact that the individual is the most important segment of society. It is not society as a whole that should dictate how that individual may conduct his or her life but the individual themselves. The interests and passions of the individual are the driving force to achieving success. It is the aggressive, forceful imposition of those beliefs and passions on others is what is wrong or, if you will, the true evil. The only viable authority which may exist over an individual is that of him or her selves. Individuals should not achieve success for the sake of society but instead only for themselves. Only in this way may society as a whole truly prosper. Societal dictates on the individual are by far the most common source of failure, aggression and strife among men.
I do not believe it is up to me to dictate to others what they need to believe in or how they should believe it. Just because my belief in God is different than yours does not mean that I am embodiment of evil. Just because my political beliefs may be different than yours does not mean that I am the cause of all of society’s shortcomings. To the contrary, those who are intent on forcing their ideas upon me are the cause. Those actions of others exhibit a total disregard for others as conscience human beings and serve to precipitate forced aggression throughout society. Force may be used only as a form of self defense against aggression. It is strange the the very people who demand that society allow them to believe in God as they wish or believe in politics as the choose are the first to descend down like mindless pack animals upon those who disagree with them. Is it any wonder that I dismiss you with a grain of salt?
With that said, I must also add that no philosophy is 100% for 100% of man. That is the beauty of the individual. The postulate that the individual’s core beliefs and desires are the driving force behind societal advancement and not the other way around, are the base of all of my beliefs. Neothink is the only philosophy which most directly aligns itself with my beliefs.
I can only say that those who purport to have insider knowledge on Neothink from personal experience are mistaken. A few random contacts do not an insider make. Those who call us heretics because of our beliefs in God are mistaken. My stand on all of this is that God gave to me all that I need to succeed in life and thereby improving the condition of my fellow man. What greater homage to God is there than that. Neothink fosters my individual right to succeed for the benefit of society.
I only ask that before you condemn me for my beliefs, that you stop and think of the hypocrisy demanding your rights while at the same time refusing mine.
Bob C
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