I am proud to be part of Neothink it has helped me in many ways. Listening to Mark and reading his twelve visions has done so must for me. When i was layoff from my job in December I did not quit. I am starting a business online.
To stop Mark Hamilton and the TVP would be a disaster for humanity we would never over come.
The world would be lost forever. To hell with those who want to stop Mark and the TVP.
It is up us to see that dose not happen. The TVP stands for HONESTY, PEACE, LOVE and HAPPINESS for all. Not just for the elite it mean every person can live the LIFE they were meant to live. Those people that do not like us because they want to keep all the power for them self. Which is WRONG and UNJUST and will never happen.
Your Friend
Billy P
Hi Billy,
Mark Hamilton and his writings are so important to preserve for all peoples to read=there is so much honesty in these that people need! The TVP (Twelve Visions Party) & Prime Law do mean & I agree: Honesty, Peace, Love and Happiness for all peoples.
Love, Lila Bennett