I take no heed of what others think, as I prefer to think for myself. Your books are without doubt of great value and came to me like an old friend, nothing did I disagree with, and if I had had any talent I felt I could have written them myself.
I had lost my way in life, as the plan I was working had been mislaid, but now I have found it again and can try to get back on track.
I do not know how the books affect you, maybe there is some magical hypnosis within the words, but they most certainly do affect you in a most rewarding way I can vouch for you on that.
For me the most notable thing was the affect I had on women. At work every one of them started flirting with me, some of them cried every time they saw me, they just loved me so much I could not believe it and if I got too close I could see the disbelief in their eyes as they would have an orgasm.
I have always been a very shy man, but I love pretty ladies so very much and now it seems they all love me too.
While my life has hit an all time low, I now it will soon be heading to an all time and permanent high, because it is within oneself to make it so.
Many Thanks
Mark S
Hello Mark,
You seem to have already past the trying stage my friend. When you open your mind and heart to Neothink and begin to find your essence the struggle is not so prevalent anymore. You may work hard and love what you do at the same time. Work becomes play. Happiness is elevated. You are on the way to being the person you were meant to be. Each of our pathways are very unique and yet there is a common thread.
Hi Mark S,
I do feel that Mark Hamilton’s writings affect a person. It’s like they reach down inside yourself with thoughts that you might have yourself, yet they show you more honest content of truth that you might not have gotten to at that point. I am very glad that you have reconnected with your life plans you made at one time, since you seem to feel more confident about being back on track. It’s interesting the effect you seem to be having on the female gender, since you have been shy. I’d say, go ahead and explore some relationships if you wish it. You might find your life mate. This might be true also here in the Neothink Society. The women are probably going to be more like minded, also.
Love, Lila