I would like to take a few minutes to take you along with me on a recent personal journey that has now turned into a never ending realization and actualization of ‘Life’ for me.
I am now sixty-one years of age. After a hard lifetime of personal struggle and many adventures I was finally retired at the tender age of 56, totally and completely. In the summer of my 59th year I received in the mail a red, white and blue bordered letter. This letter promised me the secrets of the ages and a life of health, wealth, happiness and longevity.
Well, in the years between my 56th and 59th years I had the opportunity to discover the rewards of retirement. They were all good but I discovered the road did not go too far. I had sank in to a kind of a rut and stagnation was becoming the key although I knew I had within me much, as yet, undiscovered potential.
Consequently, I took advantage of the offer in the red, white and blue bordered envelope, out of curiosity as well as anything. I am here to tell you all that the information promised in the letter was/is understated.
This letter followed up with an offer of Three Heirloom Books which I ordered, read, absorbed and learned many amazing things from have completely altered my state of mind and my life. These three books along with a twelve step mentoring program from Mr. Hamilton and other ancillary activities available to one are mind boggling in their scope, and the scope is great indeed.
That letter, the books, the mentoring process and the other divergent activities available have completely given me a new view of the world and to myself in it. I had ridden with the world as I knew it almost all of my life. Although I had questioned much, and sought more, and learned much, I still somehow felt unfulfilled. As though there was something ‘more’ to life. Something else that I did not see. Something that I had not found although suspecting that it was out there somewhere.
Well, I found that elusive something ‘more’. I found it in the information packed Heirlooms, the mentoring process and in personal evolvement. I no longer seek what I have not found. I have found it! Eureka!!
I know now the answers to the questions I had and have found the so long sought for. The Neothink Society can propel one from a life of stagnation, stuck in a rut, worried, unfulfilled, feelings of hopelessness, thinking there is no way out, toil and more toil until the end of days to an uplifted human being.
I had accepted my life of ‘retirement’ and was just waiting around for it to expire when I suddenly found myself seeking not retirement, but a lifetime of evolving, creating, goal achieving happiness. I now no longer look forward with apathy to another listless day, or not. I now look eagerly forward to each and every day for there are things to do, learn, see and achieve. A new life of personal reward, awareness, self fulfilling ecstasy and much potential unrealized await you at the end of the ‘Rainbow’.
This life altering information gleaned from the Neothink Society can surely turn your life into one of wonderment and personal thankfulness for the information and many amazing opportunities open to you from this transformational material. All you have ever wanted to be, have or do can be achieved through this great magnitude of information revealed to you by the Neothink Society. It can transform your life of stagnation or mediocrity into one of joyous reward, intangibly as well as materially.
Thank You, the Neothink Society, for finding me.
Chris Greening
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