Dear Citizen,
I would like to tell you about Mark Hamilton who has devoted a majority of his life to bring values to everyone, everywhere.
He is an author, Founder of the Neothink Society, and my mentor. His far seeing visions have helped me to come to know what is possible, not pie in the sky, but very possible to become a reality. I am in business with six other value creators and the mission of our company is to provide values at the most reasonable cost possible. We conduct ourselves as our mentor has taught us the manner in which business is to be conducted in fully integrated honesty.
Imagine if you will a non-political party, whose members want only the best for our country and everyone in it. This non-political party, once elected to all offices, but especially the Congress of the United States, there will be no reaching out across the aisle as there will be no dividing lines or boundaries between members of the Twelve Visions Party. We have all signed an oath to follow and uphold the principles of the Twelve Visions Party, an oath I consider as sacred as the oath I took when I enlisted in the U.S Army which has been reaffirmed and taken many times since as a member of the National Guard (now retired).
I truly believe that Mark Hamilton will come to be held with the same respect and awe of our founding fathers and his contribution to this great republic will be no less as profound. To me the height of folly has always been doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different result. We (my fellow Americans) have been subjected to the same two party system for over 100 years and look at where we are currently at. Our constitution is under constant attack, our liberties and rights have been seriously eroded and the erosion continues, unabated. It is time to change the equation and start to do things differently because if we do not, we are all in peril.
Mark Hamilton is the visionary who has shown us the way, the means, and the methods to bring about a new beginning for all of us and we can experience the freedom and liberties just as Washington, Jefferson, and Adams to name a few, who,first envisioned and then brought about. In their day the ideas, principles, and visions they created were at first hard for their fellow countrymen to grasp and understand, the King’s power seemed as if it was invincible, similar to the present day ruling class of power brokers and shadow rulers. We can take heart in the fact that it has been done once and that means it can be done again and we won’t have to fight a conventional war to bring it into existence. All we need to do is to stand up and be counted, to increase our numbers to a point that we can determine the outcome of elections. Once the Twelve Visions Party starts to guide this great republic the proof positive will be measured in personal freedoms and liberties being restored to the original intent of our founding fathers, the way it should have always been and the way it will be again.
So think about all that has been said, and if you are truly satisfied with what you have and where your at, you need do nothing to change it, but if like a great many of us and the number is growing minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day, who see what the end game is if our country continues to travel the path that it is on and that prospect is not satisfying, then now is the time to step up and become a self-leader and move our country in a old/new direction.
For me, I am grateful, honored, and deeply humbled to be associated with Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party.
Gary C, Montague
Mentor, Value Creator, Twelve Visions Party Member, Businessman, Husband, Father, Vietnam Veterans, NRA Endowment
Member, and Self-Leader
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