The fundamental essence of government is to protect its people from initiatory force.
It was America that dramatically advanced the evolution from the rule of man (a monarch) to the rule of law (The U.S. Constitution). And, it is America that can complete that evolution (thanks to the author and publisher of this information, Mr. Mark Hamilton) from the rule of flaw-filled man to the rule of flawless law by fully removing man from making, interpreting, and executing law. The final evolution is the PRIME LAW, law creation, law interpretation, and law enforcement that will be held to protection only, which will lift society into unprecedented freedom and its people into never-before-seen wealth, health and peace.
Let us now introduce a new grassroots political party (TVP) TWELVE VISIONS PARTY with the sole objective to remove man from creating, interpreting and executing law in order to make all people wealth including the poor and elderly.
The PRIME LAW, coming with the success of the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY, will complete the trend by fully removing the rule-of-man.
The PRIME LAW determines the creation, or lack of creation, of new laws, not man with his endless opinions and agendas and faults.
To complete the evolution into universal prosperity, the powers of the legislative, judicial and executive branches must be taken away from the opinions and agendas of flaw-filled man and put into a flawless PRIME LAW. The PRIME LAW removes man from the decision making process of law. A government unable to use initiatory force on its people vanquishes all power-building, force-backed, political-policy legislation and regulations for the “social good”.
Mr. Mark Hamilton, THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY and THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY National Committee recognizes and captures this opportunity for all people alike…including the poor and the elderly, and the PRIME LAW results in universal wealth for the first time ever. The next evolution of freedom will bring all Americans “We The People” a wealthy, healthy, and safe life. The American Dream!!!
A protection-only government will spawn a new freedom that will set free the millionaire-phenomenon. A Great Technological Revolution takes off, similar to the uninhabited computer revolution, and this will cause our buying power to multiply a hundred-fold maybe a thousand-fold, making everyone rich, including the poor. The entrepreneurs, businesses, and their super technologies are held back no more. This will lead us to the wealthiest, healthiest and safest nation to ever exist on Planet Earth.
“We The People” need to get behind Mr. Mark Hamilton’s (TVP) TWELVE VISIONS PARTY Platform, and the passing of the PRIME LAW AMENDMENT to The U.S. Constitution. If you are disgusted with politics, as usual, then you owe it to yourself and your family to back this new grass roots movement the (TVP) TWELVE VISIONS PARTY, and our hats go off to its founder, Mr. Mark Hamilton, for showing “We The People” the method and way out of this present predicament.
Never before in America has our economy been in such a mess and my projection is that it is still far from over, regardless of what the politicians will try to make people believe during this November mid-term elections. “We The People” are not buying the same old rhetoric and constant misguidance of these politicians and it is time to Take Back America and put into place the PRIME LAW for one and all.
Thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton for all your wonderful Insights and Visions.
Myles Conefrey
Neothink Society
P.S. – Can’t thank Mr. Mark Hamilton enough for all his help to myself and my family, for all the wisdom and knowledge he offers to all of us through his great literature: THE PRIME LAW and the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY.
Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Manuscripts are remarkable pieces of work and are very thought-provoking and also an eye-opener to what needs to be accomplished to get our economy moving by ending the rule of man to launch the wealth of mankind.