When I read in Mark Hamilton’s Multigenerational Manuscripts that I could gain FAST and EASY Advantages over ANYONE in ANY SITUATION, I was a curious to say the least! But when I discovered that not only was it true, but that doing so was actually the most noble and honorable thing that I could I was totally blown away!
Just imagine if there were more HONEST PEOPLE that were WINNING and WINNING BIG in life! HONEST WINNERS! I have never met so many HONEST WINNERS as I have in the past year in the Neothink Society founded by Mark Hamilton!
Yon Cole
Dear Yon,
Have you ever thought that you are meeting those same kind of persons, because you have become one yourself? It has happened with all of us here in the Neothink Society through Mark Hamilton’s writings=a real transformation! And Yes we are able to see clearer, accurately, and able to pinpoint that little nitty-gritty aspect(s) that was holding us back! Pure integrated Honesty is a necessary component to our Society, and the TVP (Twelve Visions Party).
Love, Lila Bennett