Finally, the real answer,… Neothink
How to be Happy, Politics
I just wanted to take a few minutes and share my appreciation for Neothink, Neothink Society, and Mr. Mark Hamilton. They’ve brought clarity and purpose to my life which had been floundering in mediocrity. As a result of Neothink principles, which are nothing more than real, life priniciples which everyone could and should live by, I have a renewed sense of joy and excitement in tackling everyday challenges. No longer do I look at life as meaningless drudgery. Neothink has restored my energy, while making my goals and desires a reality, once again.
Today’s world is governed by a class of leaders who ignore their constiuents, while they fill their individual needs and desires at the expense of others. The Twelve Visions Party is a saviour from this downward spiral which we as a nation, as well as the entire world, are experiencing. Only the shallow and self-serving would ignore the obvious truth presented by Neothink and I wholly endorse everything Neothink, the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party, and Mr. Mark Hamilton put forth. I can only say, it is about time the truth came forth!
When i was introduced to the SELF-LEADER SYSTEM
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These sound like words spoken by a true self leader Richard. We have been suppressed by being taught that our imaginations should not reach beyond the limits of the authoritarian rule. What is accepted has become more important than what is honest and worthy of love. We will not set out to cast a shadow on the ignorant, but to bring them into the light.