To Whom It May Concern:
I have known Mark Hamilton through the Neothink Society as his apprentice both in written book and on line video teaching!
The information that I have learned has proven to be life changing, opening doors for me that would have been other wise closed to me.
Mark Hamilton has valuable knowledge for the world to learn; his mission and his intentions is to share the truth as he sees it, with the world
This information must be read with an open mind and a open heart with a high teach ability index in order to receive the knowledge and be able to accept
The changes that we as earths global inhabitants must do in order to grow as one united family of value creaters for both ourselves and our communities!
O. T. D
You’re right OTD! You can’t just give someone one of Mark Hamilton’s incredible multigenerational manuscripts – at first sight they seem too big. My friends have seen me reading them and been intimidated. They are too intense for the casual reader. It makes sense that Mark Hamilton would set the price higher than most other books – without that higher price, most people wouldn’t understand the incredible value that is waiting for them inside. Incredible value that is earned through the effort it takes to read. Mark Hamilton’s Neothink System contained in those multigenerational manuscripts delivers Wealth Health Peace to everyone who puts in the effort!
Dear O.T.D.,
I, too, have walked through that open door into paths not known before, that opened other doors to walk through…and on it goes. It does take an open mind, since so many of us have just “accepted but not liked” the conditions of life we have come to know, thinking that there was no other way. Mark Hamilton has come to us in his writings to wake us up to see through illusions, and create our own way of living, first by touching and calling forth that child within that went into hiding through the years. I do also see that this is a Global task, to right the living conditions of the world peoples, so all can not only survive but thrive!
Love, Lila Bennett