I want to Thank you Mark,
I was Tenured out of the Navy in 2003. I had a modest pension and medical coverage for life but no more direction for my career. Receiving your invitation letter was strange but curious and after much debate I returned it to start my learning processes.
Fast forward several years my outward appearance to the world hasn’t changed. I still live in the same house, have a little bit better job but not much, and I drive the same car. However I am extremely happy!
My focus has been on my family and just last night my son, my wife and my son’s girlfriend were talking about her going to school for her career and my wife was worried about what she chose and my son spoke up that even though it would be difficult it was Okay because it was her passion!
While my son has not read the heirlooms I have incorporated a number of the advantages into my own personnel philosophy which are carrying over now to my son and he is an extremely happy college student pursuing his dreams.
If there is one point to be made it is that no matter how old you are, you can still be happy chasing your dreams if you understand how life works!
Mark vK
Marki am happy to here that you and your family are happy. That you are using Mark Hamilton’s Prime Literature to help your family is fantastic! Family is always first! Keep up the great work!
Thank you, Mark Hamilton!
Wealth, Health, Peace for Everyone!
Order the book, Wealth, Health, Peace! 888-859-6859
Neothink® Member services, 800-480-2336
With Love Kenneth
Mark Hamilton is truly an inspiration for those aspiring to live a happy and joyful life. In his priceless heirloom literature, he shows the step by step process on becoming the person we were all meant to be. Thank you so much Mark Hamilton and for all you have done and are doing with the Twelve Visions Party. Thank you!
I have had the honor of working with you on a project for the past year. You certainly understand, and can honestly say: “If there is one point to be made it is that no matter how old you are, you can still be happy chasing your dreams if you understand how life works!” Mark Hamilton, founder of the Neothink Society®, has shown us how to be a unique individual, how to organize our time, and use a Self-Leader System that wins hands down against the competition. That system is in “Wealth, Health, Peace” for less than $30 and can be ordered by calling 1-888-859-6859. The Twelve Visions Party® Get-Rich Program is also in that book, so get educated before the next elections.
You made it so much clearer to me as to how use my unique individual mind to create values in my own life. You have recently launched your videos about how our minds work within the things we are passionate about. If this learning segment on your website is chasing dreams… then you are helping many understand how life works! Nice job of adding value to others lives.
Thanks for being a self leader that has shared value with me!
Jill A. Reed
P. S. – Did you get that book yet?
P. P. S. – Did I say I love you for all you do?