I want you to tell your story of what Mark Hamilton, his literature, and his Neothink S0ciety has meant to you. I also want you to tell your story of what the success of the Twelve Visions P@rty will mean to you, your loved ones, and to the world. Contrast all that value to what the silencing of Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the TVP movement would mean for you, your family, and the world…Neothink political structure of government.
I have been a member of the Neothink Society since the spring of 2009.
I have purchased all of the Manuscripts that were for sale, I was surprised to learn that others were thinking just as I was. It gave me the feeling that I am not alone.
The Twelve Visions Party gives wonderful in site into how fair and just it will be when that comes into reality………. The beginning is now a reality.
There is still a long way to go and I will be proud and happy to be counted among those who are in support of Mark Hamilton.
There are different areas of interest in which you can participate in the Neothink Society. Some are: Joining or starting a clubhouse, business, aging (my interest) and more. Mark Hamilton has done a wonderful job Neothinking this plan for a newer, richer existence for us all regardless of race, color or sex.
B. Finch
Well said Finch. All members should get involved and stay involved. Even if you have not found your essence yet or if you have little money. Get involed for life.