Mark Hamilton’s literature and Twelve Visions has enriched & enhanced my way of life. It has broke me from the average, non meaningful way of life. The way of life that has been taught for century’s to deny true freedom, happiness, and love. It has taught me to think for myself and that I can create anything I want to be, do, or have in my life. I’ve never been so happy, joyful, and loving before I invested into Neothink. It has answered a lot of questions I’ve had and has brought value to me and my family’s lives. Thank You Mark and the Neothink Society for inviting and teaching me a different aspect for life.
Brock J
Hi Brock,
Yes, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party® has freed my mind also. I no longer am trapped. I can see through the blockages put forth in front of me and work through or around them. Sometime, I just fade the block, like it is a marrage. Mark Hamilton is a genious for what he is bringing to the world.