My testimony starts a number of years back being able to barely purchase the Neothink Literature. At this point it was a period of study,study,study. I was able to recognize the inside secrets that I posess in order for complete Happiness,Wealth, and Health.
Having Mark Hamilton be my Mentor was very fascinating. He was able to help me understand what the Neothink Society is about. Once an individual receives all of this, there is NO turning back.
If or when The Twelve Visions World is accomplished in our Society; Humanity will be able to live life the way we were intended to.
Mr. Keith Peterson
Team Charlie
Hi Mr. Peterson, You’re right…there is NO turning back. If I only received knowledge from Mark Hamilton and his literature that alone would be fabulous…but I also received reminders on how to apply this knowledge by thinking and integrating for myself – that’s real power! My brain is like a shiny, new, sentient computer with ever evolving integrated parts; I could never go back to the old, clanking word-processor. I also support the Twelve Visions Party, because I’d like to see shiny, new, sentient, integrated politicians too! Best Wishes, Liz Szarka, NY
Keith, we are meant to live life with prosperity and happiness. Mark Hamilton has given us the visions to bring to all a safe and happy life. We should have an upward moving society. The Neothink Society will give us all the wealth, health and peace that we need.
New York City
Mr. Keith Peterson,
I am happy you are here with us today.
I for one am pleased that you decided to take action.
Without you the ocean of Neothink(R) is one drop less…
Lovingly and Eternally,
Patrick Bundy!