Hello! I hope you are well! Thank you for your recent email.
What an honour and I must convey, a great privilege, to be offered the opportunities you outlined. Thank you. Just as it is for me, an immense honour, to be a privileged Member, of the Neo-Tech Secret Society, to have been offered and subsequently received the various Manuscripts during the past few years. The enlightenment I have received, which resulted in subsequent positive changes for me and my cherished ones, have been truly life changing!
You requested a testimonial about how I benefited from Mark Hamilton, my Neothink Manuscripts, from the Neo-Tech Society and how the world will benefit from the Twelve Vision Party.
I am very aware the Testimonial/s I provide will be posted. Knowing it will be my mark on the official documents, that 200 years from now, will be viewed as the early documents that bought us freedom, prosperity and peace, creates for me reservations at this time.
My first Testimonial about the Neo-Tech Society, must be articulate, honest……. Incorporated in the Testimony, I want to mention my affiliations in person, my experiences, my relationships with other Neo-Tech Society Members, our shared experiences…….
To date, I have not been officially made aware of, or officially introduced to, other Neo-Tech Society Members. Due to The Neo-Tech Secret Society being that, my membership in The Secret Society is secret.
Several months ago, I received a correspondence from The Neo-Tech Society, indicating I would soon be invited to officially meet Members…….To date the invitation has not arrived, or if it was sent I certainly have not received it!
I am very keen and with great anticipation, looking forward to meeting with like minded Neo-Tech Members. I am currently seeking assistance, person to person, in the field of Computer IT, to enable me, to become more computer literate. In return, I can contribute, by offering knowledge I have learned during the past 20 years of undertaking Personal Growth and Spiritual Development, which assists people to transform their lives for the better!
Your time is precious, this I know. If you could take the time to personally answer my email to you, it will be most gratefully appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards,
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