Today I want to express my genuine appreciation and gratitude for the life-enhancing Neothink manuscripts I have cherished for several years. First, however, it would be a benefit to know who I am and why anyone reading this should care.
Like so many individuals before me, I have been a searcher all my life. My eye-opening experience for me was in my teenage years, after 12 years of specialized training into religious doctrines that began when I was six years old. As an avid Bible student who was a young Missionary with a promising future within organized religion, my childhood was unlike anything most people experience. When most children were outside playing, watching TV or playing video games, or hanging out with friends, I was at my parent’s kitchen table with volumes of religious literature spread out before me, cross-referencing scripture, and learning how to simplify scripture for my next church discourse or Bible study with a student of mine. My family and friends were very impressed how quickly I grasped complex doctrines and made it easier for others to understand by presenting a real-life illustration people could relate to in context with the scripture and principles I was trying to communicate.
Everything—my beliefs and who I was—began changing dramatically at 18 years of age. By this time, I have read the Bible 7 times completely through. I began to notice how many church Elders and Active Church Evangelizers were mixing true scriptural content in with their own personal opinions or agendas. Knowing what I was talking about, I called them out on this by quoting and cross-referencing several scriptures to show how out of context their assumptions and accusations were; and how gullible Church Members were, who were apt to follow and cling onto their words as “truth”. I felt that their communication with the church was counter-productive, since many who attended our church meetings were looking for spirituality and insights into why we are here and where we are going. I was reproved when I was at the age of 19 for speaking out, thereby was the time I began researching and studying different religions.
I discovered they were all the same, with variations ranging from a whole range of subjects; but fundamentally, they were ALL THE SAME. After discovering this, I left organized religion altogether.
This brings me to the question I posed earlier: Why should anyone reading this care? Because I know we are all “searchers.” We are searching for more income, that special romantic partner, a more fulfilling lifestyle, a more fulfilling career, to see our personal goals reach fulfillment, a fulfilling family life, a better environment, and a healthier mind and body. And I told you a little about my past to show you I am very critical of information and what I spend my time doing, as well as what I believe in. Mark Hamilton is a genius in how he presents the answers so many are looking for through his Neothink manuscripts and validated with my own personal results.
Today, I’m expressing appreciation and communicating my gratitude because I am living a very rewarding and prosperous life due to the information I learned as a member of the Neothink Society. I’m surrounded with loving people who adore me; I’m living my passion through my company; people want to be my friend and know more about me and what I do; I’ve met celebrities and well-known media moguls; I’m better off financially than I’ve ever been in my life; people look up to me and respect me; people know I am different in a very good way; opportunities cross my path on a weekly basis. The techniques how to gain this individual power; the secrets to this kind of power, has been revealed for me and others willing to take action in their own lives—through the timeless Neothink manuscripts.
Thank you Mark Hamilton, because although I wrote a brief history of my journey I call Life, your Neothink manuscripts have also helped me combat life-debilitating habits such as smoking and drinking I didn’t touch on here. The power I feel through just having more vibrant health is rewarding enough to vouch for you and your Neothink Society!
With appreciation and love,
Adam H.
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