How fortunate we (human species) discovered a major difference to the animal kingdom thousands of years ago. The discovery of consciousness and our ability to feel, think, learn, and grow. With honest thought and effort we consider facts to alter our own reality also known as “what is”. Failing to stay in the “what is” one will follow and fail to use that gift, the conscious mind.
Upon noticing a following pattern, pause to be grateful for being mankind, then immediately stop the behavior. Compare yourself to the dog on the street. Why does a dog sniff and follow another dog’s scent? It is their way of knowing what is around them and sensing danger. Why do we need to follow another? We don’t.
The conscious mind is mankind’s ability to lead. We know the difference between right and wrong, and can do right for self and others. When you find yourself following another person, trend or pattern, stop to think, learn, and grow. Following is your danger signal that you are not living the life you are capable of living. Why choose “the dog’s world”?
Why do we follow? Most likely, it’s because someone saw us as incapable. Why continue to believe them? Why believe anything without checking it out? Check out the facts, put them into context to the actual situation and make a sound determination based on “what is”? Then, be grateful (great and full) for your reasoning ability and it will grow. You got it baby!
To be self-responsible do what is best for you in all situations without compromise to dishonesty and whims of others. Be aware of your thoughts and feelings (your honesty) so you can control your destiny and fulfill your purpose to gain and live happily. You might have tricked yourself into believing you are a self-leader and responsible. Yet, society is not conducive to self-leaders as parents, teachers, friends, politicians, lovers and religious leaders tell us how to live. Attempting to please them, we deceive ourselves, become increasingly unhappy, and lose our ability to think.
Be grateful for this ability to think and the feeling of unhappiness. It is your danger signal. Become more aware of that gift (self-leader consciousness) so we can together improve this world. To remember what consciousness feels like think of a baby’s 1st step. As the baby takes that initial step both adult and baby are extremely happy and also a bit worried (fear). The adult knows the baby must take the step, and the only role of the adult is to protect the baby from a major crash-n-burn mishap. Often adults experience that crash-n-burn feeling before it happens. With practice the baby walks and becomes a toddler. The parent worries less and can choose to start living their life again.
Baby kind’s step in the right direction of self-sufficiency causes fear to be replaced with happiness, a sign of love. Happiness continues only as the toddler continues to think, learn, and grow. Adults often stop the self-sufficiency process. The role of protector becomes less important as the child’s ability to understand and use consciousness grows.
So, pay attention to danger signals, think like the baby, allow others in your life to be a toddler, and don’t forget to do the same for yourself. Stretch and grow daily by thinking for yourself instead of following the same routine. Stop to ask “What can I do differently today?” and do it! This is a key to happiness (love) and will help your personal life and all relationships.
Thank you for your comment to my blog. Life is not complex. We humans have the ability to think and experience the feelings of happiness. We can think about “what is” coming our way. Different from the rest of the “animal kingdom” we really do have the ability to think before we react to nature. I consider this to be royalty! I appreciate you as you made me think about what I had written about. Please continue to respond to my blogs. Catch a hug, as they are free and can be sent around the world!