Recent From The Neothink Society
Before Neothink I was dead, the world didn’t make sense to me
Health, How to be Happy
Before Neothink I was dead, the world didn’t make sense to me, it was like I was living in a dream where everything seemed distorted. I had no direction no CONTROL over my life. Then, I was introduced to the NEOTHINK literature and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY and everything started making sense it was like waking up from a bad dream, like starting a bright new day, everything was so clear I could see through the essence of everything around me, nobody could take advantage of me, no one could brain wash me into anything. Now I’m more confident, my self-esteem sky rocked through the roof, I feel so good, I’m healthier, Happier, I am ALIVE! Thanks Mark Hamilton I’m really glad you made it possible for all of us. My name is Luis A. and I’m a NEOTHINKER
Can you imagine a world without taxes? Why not? Have we bought into “a bill of goods” for so long that we don’t see how we give our politicians and bureaucrats “double the pleasure” while we curtsey to their futures? For a moment “steal” your mind from the media, politics and religion. “Still your mind” to youthfulness, a time when you believed you could “hang the moon” and you accepted the possibility that a “cow jumped over the moon” while you were still “full of vinegar” with ideas and energy beaming from you. Where did those ideas and “all that energy” go? It hasn’t left; you simply stuffed your ideas for those of others—so “still your mind” once again. Imagine a world without taxes which allows you to choose the services you want to pay for—why not? Steal your mind back by simply asking “Why?” like an innocent, yearning, learning child does all of the time! Is it just my imagination or do you see a brighter nation?
Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill
How to be Happy, Peace
This book is definitely different than any other NH book I have read. If you have read Think and Grow Rich you may recall that NH formed an imaginary council in his mind and communed with them daily. He studied each member of his council and over time they all started to take on their own characteristics in his mind. He states in his book that they became so real to him it scared him and he discontinued meeting with them.
It appears that NH applied this technique to the Devil.
Signs of Life!
Remember when you looked up, looked down and all around? Remember when you contemplated being able to fly? Remember racing your bike and your best friend with your “own two feet”? Can you remember “standing tall” to reach something or to be seen as “mature”? Do you remember “a bit of fear” while learning to: swim, jump rope, climb a tree, or pour the first hot beverage? Learning something new and searching for answers are signs of life. Find your own footprints once again as you “think on your feet”. Look up, look down, look all around, and, do something wise today to demonstrate signs of life.