Recent From The Neothink Society
Why all Americans should be Ashamed if they are not Wealthy! Part 2
How to Become Wealthy, Wealth
In part 1 I gave you something very powerful, the definition of being wealthy. By simply defining the crossover point you should either have been happy because you have a certain level of wealth or you should be glad that you now have a defined goal to work towards. As I have traveled the world I have seen the grand casinos in Monaco and the extreme poverty in Kenya. As I look at the devistation in Haiti I am reminded of the Philippines and hurrican Katrina. I lived in the Philippines for 3 years and the building construction looks almost identical to the ruins in Haiti. I lost a rental house in Katrina that was a few blocks away from my daughters house. The devastation in St Bernard Parish and the 9th ward affected all the buildings. My point is that these disaster hit all of the folks in that area regardless of economic status. My daughter and her husband drove away before the hurricane hit. I had enough wealth that I was able to give them a safe place to live until things could work out (which was several months). Also because of my wealth I was up to date on my insurance payments and so even though my renter lost almost everything when I finally got reimbursed I
the Joy of Honesty
For years we have heard about and seen the results of organized crime. Mark Hamilton has written a text book for organized honesty. A road map on how any person who desires may look past the dishonest illusions and discover the beauty of honesty. How to purify our thoughts by discarding illusions and false perceptions we become free to soar. For me personally, this has been an exciting journey. There are no words to adequately express the joy in discovering these heights of human consciousness. There is a common denominator between Mark and myself. It is with great anticipation that we have come to share this great knowledge with all people.
One Little Candle
How to be Happy, Peace
.. We’ve gone Swinging, and, we’ve hung on “for dear life” while playing on the Monkey Bars. Do you sometimes wonder what am I hanging onto and what’s so dear about my life? These are important questions. Who do you follow, are you honestly happy following them? What could you do differently? Are you sure you are following them or are you just stuck in a rut? Are you so deep in the rut that you never leave it to think for yourself? When is the last time you asked “Why”? Why starts with a W as it comes from Within. Start asking “Why?”, if, you want to know more, or, you will accept less. Can you remember asking “Why?” so much that you annoyed the adults in your life? Did you just crack a smile? Now, that you’re all grown-up, imagine how much better you could be at simply asking “Why?” Now, don’t be shy. Spark a flame, light your candle! Begin today! Soon, you will discover why you have been missing so much! See the light! Ask “Why?” It matters not what the subject is, what matters is you listen to your inner voice and allow yourself to speak. Let the light shine, today, at least once to feel your own success.
Internal Love vs. External Barriers
Barriers can be anything or anyone that stands in the way of you living your own life in the manner that you choose. Making up excuses, or “little white lies” can be a way to say “No” to life and be deposited in someone else’s desires for you. Sometimes we say “Yes” when we’d rather say “No” and we allow another to be directly in our lives. If we do more of what others want for us, then we have failed to live according to our nature, as a human being, by failing to use our conscious minds. Oftentimes, we default to laziness and just “go along to get along” so we don’t have to encounter discord (stress). Discord allows us to think, to reason things through, and avoiding or attacking situations and people, does not allow the real you to come through. With this gift of life (the human conscious mind), we have the need to think independently according to our biological natures. Determine whether your thoughts and actions are based in stress or love. This is a simple tool (a litmus test) to see if you are living the life you are meant to live. By doing so, you also allow others around you to do the same.