Recent From The Neothink Society

How to Make Money From Home with Neothink’s 7 Steps of the Self-Leader Secret
Business, How to Become Wealthy, How to Make Money, Wealth
Transcript How to make money from home? I am asked this question often. There are many ways to make money from home. I created an internet Marketing Company that I run from home. Hi! my name is Mack and I’m a Neothink Society Member and Mentor. You can earn money from home through Direct Sales. You can have an Ebay Garage Sale Become a Virtual Office Assistant There are many many ways to make money from home. Find something that you are passionate about. Something that you would rather do more than anything else. The real key to the question “How to make money from home” is to have the knowledge and mindset to succeed. To ensure your success with any home based business, as many of The Neothink Society Members have… including myself, you will need to immerse yourself in Mark Hamilton’s Self-Leader System. The Self-Leader System is a success booster. How to make money from home is not just about what you do… but how you do it. Mark Hamilton’s, Self-Leader System Seven Steps, showed me how to achieve greater success. Each of the seven secrets can be used independently to boost success. I use all seven steps together as a powerful system – The Self-Leader System. I’ve become a Self-Leader. You can also use Mark Hamilton’s Self-Leader

How To Be Happy With Neothink
Business, How to be Happy
Hi. I'm Linda Mokeme. When I was first approached by the Neothink Society in the fall of 2004, I was in desperate need of help. In November 1984 I was paralyzed on the entire left side of my body. After two weeks of extensive testing, medical doctors diagnosed me as having multiple sclerosis.
When I was introduced to the Neothink Society, I was not happy. Applying the techniques that I've learned through the Neothink Society has taught me how to be happy. By 2004 I had been separated from my husband for nine years. Applying the techniques that I learned through the Neothink literature, I manifested my international divorce and it didn't cost me anything. I lost weight, I went from a size 16 to a size 12. The Neothink literature has taught me how to be happy.
Business Leadership
Business, How to be Happy, How to Become Wealthy, How to Make Money, Wealth
What is the essence of leadership? To do what needs done and to do it well. How does one do that? By taking charge rather than waiting for someone else to make it happen. What will taking charge do for you? Improve your life. So, how does one take charge in a job? By asking questions and taking on additional responsibilities. This unearths your creativity. This is the 1st step, a small step, but, a great leap for you. It won’t be unusual for you to have more experience than some fellow employees or bosses, and less than others. So, what do you do about that? You accept it, and move forward. We are not all good at everything, but, we can learn more. Start by taking on responsibilities in areas that you are good at and that bring you happiness. Then, don’t be afraid to try something new. You might find something that brings you even more happiness. Do you know that some bosses are happy to have you take over their work? They are busy, and as an added bonus to them, you may help free up their time for another round of golf. You may wonder why you would want to make their life “easy street”. Well, when the boss is gone, you get to be the
The Most Important Discovery Ever for Money, Power, and Love
Business, Economics, How to be Happy, How to Become Wealthy, How to Make Money, Peace, Politics, Psychology, Romance, Wealth
An entire new field of knowledge has been discovered by Mark Hamilton. For nearly four decades, Mr. Hamilton developed a powerful array of integrated knowledge called Neothink. That new knowledge allows any person to prosper monetarily, personally, romantically, and financially anywhere in the world, even during personal or financial hard times, inflation, boomtimes, recession, depression, war. I interviewed Mr. Hamilton was interviewed about Neothink at his home in the Sierra Nevadas. Want to skip to Part Two of this series and learn how to use Neothink to become unstoppable? Click Here. Below is an edited portion of that interview which explains his discovery: ES: What is Neothink? How can I benefit from it? HAMILTON: Neothink is a new way of using one’s mind; it’s a new, scientific method for capturing major business and personal advantages everywhere. Neothink is a new knowledge that has nothing to do with positive thinking, religion, or anything mystical. Once a person is exposed to Neothink, he can quietly profit from any situation — anywhere, anytime. He can prosper almost anywhere on earth and succeed under almost any economic or political condition. Neothink applies to all money and power gathering techniques — to all situations involving the transfer of money, business, power, or love. Ironically, Neothink has its roots in poker — the money game, the