Recent From The Neothink Society
How to Start Using Neothink Right Away to Become Unstoppable, Win at Anything, and Become the Person You Were Meant To Be
Business, Health, History, How to be Happy, Peace, Politics, Psychology, Romance, Wealth
Are you looking for immediate results? The Neothink Secrets are built upon a spiral of techniques. You will acquire the tools to make man’s final evolution into a superior being called the Superhuman. The Superman enjoys several Gifts including extraordinary health and longevity, millionaire wealth, an exhilarating livelihood, romantic love, and superior intelligence called Neothink®. “But,” you may be thinking, “to read through all the Neothink Secrets and become the Superhuman seems overwhelming and would take such a long time.” This Inner-Circle Secret you are reading will get you started on this journey immediately. This Neothink® Secret will give you immediate results so you can start your journey toward the prosperous Superhuman tomorrow morning, bringing you instant energy, enthusiasm, and payoffs as you discover the life you were meant to live. Before you begin, let me ask you: how much is it worth to you to discover what you would have done best in life? $250, $500, $1000? I know I would pay five-thousand dollars to know. …Over the next twenty-four pages, you have the opportunity to see, via the proven Neothink® techniques, your best path in life. It will cost you an hour of your time to read those pages that open the door to the life you were meant to live. Some people just like to know, out
A Message from Mark Hamilton
Business, Economics, Health, Politics, Psychology
.. What I’m trying to do here today with you is talk directly to you, in a sense. I want you to really understand what it is, the society is all about; what it really, really is. In science, in philosophy, pretty much any study, people can express what something is; but to really know and understand what it really is, let’s go into the science arena and take the concept of gravity, for example. People think they know what gravity is, but really gravity is a big mystery, to really understand what gravity really is. I use that as an analogy to the society. I want you now today to begin to really really understand and know what it is the society is really all about. So let’s move on. I’m going to read to you just a little piece I’m going to work with. It’s not in practice yet, but it’s going to help you to begin to understand really what we’re doing. All right. I’m just going to read through this, this is probably about a minute here. Finally it’s here, is a growing society unlike anything ever seen. Some amazing people are here, some amazing secrets are here, you can meet lifelong friends here at Or you can go in the flesh to

When i was introduced to the SELF-LEADER SYSTEM
.. When i was introduced to the SELF-LEADER SYSTEM,(Neothink Literature) I was temporal hourly rented worker at the baggage centre as baggage collector and arranger, at the Schiphol airport, Amsterdam. Then I started and applied Project Curiosity to master the nitty gritty details within my place of work, it moved me to became a permanent worker at the KLM, Catering Services as board supplier superviser in-charge of the complete aircraft until it departs to its final destination. From there, i began to apply the great self-investment plan, to invest in myself, with the integrated knowledge intact, i was able to capture my own business, one of the leading printing presses in the eastern region of Ghana(Amazing Grace printing press)Due to the NEOTHINK LETERATURE, Now, i am able to walk with my chest out and say EURUKA! I have found the way. My LORD MARK HAMILTON has offered me and my family what money can not buy. We do not know how to thank you LORD MARK HAMILTON for the wonderful kind gesture you have done for human-kind, what can we say? thank you LORD MARK HAMILTON for offering us the wonderful piece of NEOTHINK LETERATURE, to deliver us from the hands of the flaw-filled men.
My life has taken a new direction …
Business, History, How to be Happy
My life has taken a new direction a few years ago when I joined the Neothink Society. The books we read are mind expanding and reveal the way to broader consciousness and understanding of our true essence. The teachings are about the importance of our own authenticity and the value we bring to our communities, as the truth can bring us to a new liberating human consciousness. Neothink brings to our attention the possibility of a value-generating society, absent of domination and victimization. We become aware that expanded consciousness can lead everyone to liberated and joy-full lives. With self-determination and inherent creativity all of humanity can evolve into a universal business/science/art civilization. I thank Neothink and Mark Hamilton for his contribution of this expansive knowledge. I am grateful to be part of a community whose members are value-creating in their and others lives and are exploring life potentials with a greater consciousness and a deeper truth.