Recent From The Neothink Society

How Can I Find Happiness in Life Once Again?
Economics, How to be Happy, Romance
How do you feel? Are you happy? What do you base your happiness on? Is happiness just a feeling? Can feelings of happiness come from tangible things in life? What prevents happiness in your life? If we loose our tangible material emblems of success that we have acquired in life, do we then also loose our happiness? If so why? I say that we should not simply have happiness "in life but we should have happiness "for life itself, for the joy of living." We should all experience the joy of life, the joy of living life! So what’s preventing us from experiencing this happiness in life today? The writings of Mark Hamilton® and those found in the Neothink® library state, "The happiness of a man and woman is not based on sex or pleasure, but on self-esteem. Self-esteem acquired through honesty and productivity is the requisite for romantic love and all encompassing life celebrating pleasures." These (Life Celebrating Pleasures) are known in the Neothink®
The Most Important Discovery Ever for Money, Power, and Love
Business, Economics, How to be Happy, How to Become Wealthy, How to Make Money, Peace, Politics, Psychology, Romance, Wealth
An entire new field of knowledge has been discovered by Mark Hamilton. For nearly four decades, Mr. Hamilton developed a powerful array of integrated knowledge called Neothink. That new knowledge allows any person to prosper monetarily, personally, romantically, and financially anywhere in the world, even during personal or financial hard times, inflation, boomtimes, recession, depression, war. I interviewed Mr. Hamilton was interviewed about Neothink at his home in the Sierra Nevadas. Want to skip to Part Two of this series and learn how to use Neothink to become unstoppable? Click Here. Below is an edited portion of that interview which explains his discovery: ES: What is Neothink? How can I benefit from it? HAMILTON: Neothink is a new way of using one’s mind; it’s a new, scientific method for capturing major business and personal advantages everywhere. Neothink is a new knowledge that has nothing to do with positive thinking, religion, or anything mystical. Once a person is exposed to Neothink, he can quietly profit from any situation — anywhere, anytime. He can prosper almost anywhere on earth and succeed under almost any economic or political condition. Neothink applies to all money and power gathering techniques — to all situations involving the transfer of money, business, power, or love. Ironically, Neothink has its roots in poker — the money game, the
A Message from Mark Hamilton
Business, Economics, Health, Politics, Psychology
.. What I’m trying to do here today with you is talk directly to you, in a sense. I want you to really understand what it is, the society is all about; what it really, really is. In science, in philosophy, pretty much any study, people can express what something is; but to really know and understand what it really is, let’s go into the science arena and take the concept of gravity, for example. People think they know what gravity is, but really gravity is a big mystery, to really understand what gravity really is. I use that as an analogy to the society. I want you now today to begin to really really understand and know what it is the society is really all about. So let’s move on. I’m going to read to you just a little piece I’m going to work with. It’s not in practice yet, but it’s going to help you to begin to understand really what we’re doing. All right. I’m just going to read through this, this is probably about a minute here. Finally it’s here, is a growing society unlike anything ever seen. Some amazing people are here, some amazing secrets are here, you can meet lifelong friends here at Or you can go in the flesh to
Neothink is looking at, practicing and living a …
Economics, How to be Happy
Neothink is looking at, practicing and living a life with truth, honesty, compassion and most of all love. Today’s governing culture strives for success by using control to amass power to increase one’s own self-interest. Neothink looks past this self-serving interest and strives to achieve a culture were actions are based from love that benefit everyone. The essence of Neothink is depicted best in the Neothink Manuscripts as you follow the life and times of Annabelle, the school teacher.