Recent From The Neothink Society
Before Neothink I was dead, the world didn’t make sense to me
Health, How to be Happy
Before Neothink I was dead, the world didn’t make sense to me, it was like I was living in a dream where everything seemed distorted. I had no direction no CONTROL over my life. Then, I was introduced to the NEOTHINK literature and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY and everything started making sense it was like waking up from a bad dream, like starting a bright new day, everything was so clear I could see through the essence of everything around me, nobody could take advantage of me, no one could brain wash me into anything. Now I’m more confident, my self-esteem sky rocked through the roof, I feel so good, I’m healthier, Happier, I am ALIVE! Thanks Mark Hamilton I’m really glad you made it possible for all of us. My name is Luis A. and I’m a NEOTHINKER
A Victim’s Plea
Health, Peace, Psychology
What happened to common sense and the joy once felt solving one’s life problems? Where did that toddler mentality go? How did it wash away? From snug-as-a-bug in a rug in a tiny little crib, running along in hopes and dreams, then, climbing up into a king. Does ego take-over, simply having a need to understand, and, then get lost in being right, or, not being able to be? Why does ego step in and complicate life, when, it is could so easily leave without a trace? Can compassion, patience, tolerance and understanding (the traits of love) bring us back to the Security once felt—as we were snug-as-a-bug in a little crib. The tides-turn with anger, vengeance, chaos and waring, yet, a simple wave-action can bring in wealth, health, peace. A few weeks of hard-firestone thinking, full of hoping and dreaming, and, you joyfully complete a project, as, you mow your way through a set of regulations to bring wealth, health and peace to your state. One-by-one the toddler-mentality spreads from shore-to-shore, then, continent to continent. The Child of The Past steps in, to capture the security longed for, so-long-ago left behind. Life became complicated and confusing when the toddler-like-mentality fell to the rising Rule of Man. Imagine, with deep-feelings the generational gratitude, that you chose to feel snug-as-a-bug, when you welcomed the Prime Law into your
The Journey
.. Without knowing, I’ve known. Some of the concepts throughout the Big Three of Neothink. I have never read anything that felt so true and correct. I know you have been following my posts on the Neothink web-site and the integrations are most appreciated. Today was a review before moving on to Level 4. My biggest hurdle at this time is a deeply personal one. Had made a decision long before my first NT letter, but it makes it none the easier.
Welcome to our Honesty of Truth Blog Site.
Health, Peace
“Someone unusual, surprising and quite different from anyone you’ve ever known is about to make a grand entrance into your life. Perhaps they’re on a return pilgrimage, possibly from a far-off place — in which case, you’ll be oh, so glad to see them. Or maybe this is a first-time meeting — in which case, you’ll be oh, so glad to see them. In other words, one way or the other, the universe has arranged for you to spend quality time with someone you admire and can connect with. Take full advantage of it” Have you ever felt alone with thoughts and feelings you could not share with others. Today by visiting, you may find that those hidden emotions inside of you can be released, and shared with like-minded members within this site. There are many topics of interest that you may find a connection with or you can relate to. You may find what you have been in search for, is within your thoughts and visions that open up when reading what has been written. You will find the secrets contained in the messages within the articles. The members of this site openly share with the world, new knowledge of information given to us by discovering Neothink “ a new way of thinking”. “ Today you could have a