Recent From The Neothink Society

How Can I Find Happiness in Life Once Again?
Economics, How to be Happy, Romance
How do you feel? Are you happy? What do you base your happiness on? Is happiness just a feeling? Can feelings of happiness come from tangible things in life? What prevents happiness in your life? If we loose our tangible material emblems of success that we have acquired in life, do we then also loose our happiness? If so why? I say that we should not simply have happiness "in life but we should have happiness "for life itself, for the joy of living." We should all experience the joy of life, the joy of living life! So what’s preventing us from experiencing this happiness in life today? The writings of Mark Hamilton® and those found in the Neothink® library state, "The happiness of a man and woman is not based on sex or pleasure, but on self-esteem. Self-esteem acquired through honesty and productivity is the requisite for romantic love and all encompassing life celebrating pleasures." These (Life Celebrating Pleasures) are known in the Neothink®
Invitation to Immortals from the Heart of All
How to be Happy, Peace
A soul was born empty and as such, was alone on its long journey into creation. This soul was blind, and perceiving itself as without a body floated aimlessly into the solitude of the deep. And so it was, hoping to find hope and a meaning for an existence without embodiment. The darkness was forever, and its vastness great; and in all the space of time and movement for which this soul found itself floating, there was nothing and no one that could look upon this soul and describe to it what its appearance was. In solitude it motioned through the black universe waiting to feel the sensation of touch which would confirm its existence to itself in the absence of another. The thoughts of this solitary new born as it moved into existence were as follows: I am moving through the darkness. I can feel myself, but, where am I? I feel the black vast void and try to reach out to touch something.I can’t find my sense of touch, where am I? What am I? I have to ask myself… How did this happen? Where did I originate? What is this place? Why do I feel that I must see something that will teach me who I am, what I am, and where I am. The only thing
Race Cars, Pretty Ladies, and Passion
How to be Happy, Romance
From the age of 10 he dreamed of becoming a self-made millionaire. He loved to spend hours tearing down engines and putting them back together again. He knew someday he would create the fastest car on the race track, and that a beautiful lady would sit in the stands, on the edge of her seat, waiting for him to cross the finish line. The race would be over, he would be the winner and they would passionately embrace, tell each other how much they love each other and look forward to the next time they would embrace at the end of the day. He was now the driver and he would race-off to join his expert mechanics to determine how they could shave-off a few seconds in the upcoming race. She would hurry home to their precious baby girl. They were a handsome and intelligent couple, and they couldn’t wait to spend time together, later that evening, enjoying a delicious celebration feast, made by her, while she swelled with pride and love for her man. She jointly prepared, in her mind, the next article for “Racer’s Edge” magazine (her pride and joy publication). Dinner time was drawing near, the scent of her feast filled the air, and his family would be waiting patiently for their hero to arrive. Life is
Business Leadership
Business, How to be Happy, How to Become Wealthy, How to Make Money, Wealth
What is the essence of leadership? To do what needs done and to do it well. How does one do that? By taking charge rather than waiting for someone else to make it happen. What will taking charge do for you? Improve your life. So, how does one take charge in a job? By asking questions and taking on additional responsibilities. This unearths your creativity. This is the 1st step, a small step, but, a great leap for you. It won’t be unusual for you to have more experience than some fellow employees or bosses, and less than others. So, what do you do about that? You accept it, and move forward. We are not all good at everything, but, we can learn more. Start by taking on responsibilities in areas that you are good at and that bring you happiness. Then, don’t be afraid to try something new. You might find something that brings you even more happiness. Do you know that some bosses are happy to have you take over their work? They are busy, and as an added bonus to them, you may help free up their time for another round of golf. You may wonder why you would want to make their life “easy street”. Well, when the boss is gone, you get to be the