Recent From The Neothink Society
It was America that dramatically advanced the evolution from the rule of man …
Health, How to be Happy, How to Become Wealthy, Peace, Wealth
It was America that dramatically advanced the evolution from the rule of man (a monarch) to the rule of law (the U.S. Constitution). And it is America that can complete that evolution from the rule of flaw-filled man to the rule of flawless law by fully removing man from making, interpreting, and executing law. The final evolution is the Prime Law, which will lift society into unprecedented freedom and its people into never-before-seen wealth, health, and peace. The Prime Law is coming with the success of the Twelve Visions Party, and will complete the trend by fully removing the rule of man and everyone will become wealthy, including the poor. To complete the evolution into universal prosperity the powers of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches must be taken away from the opinions and agendas of flaw-filled man and put into a flawless Prime Law. If you take a hundred well educated men and women and ask them their thoughts on important issues of law and politics, they will bombard you with many different opinions and agendas – as exemplified by the U.S. Senate. Moreover, once in position of political power, surrounded by the trappings of irresistible power and wealth, their answers become directed to their own benefits, for their own political clout. Man is an easily influenced, easily corrupted
The Millionaire Phenomenon
How to Become Wealthy, Politics
The Twelve Visions Party is the only party that directly addresses and corrects the reasons why the existing structures of leadership are falling apart. The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is the only party not interested in political power. The TVP will reverse current trends such as changing the governmental structure from one based in power to one based in service, forced taxation to un-forced, forcibly taking money for Social Security to returning all monies paid into this failing system with fair market interest. The TVP is the only party with the tools to accomplish these goals…the Prime Law Amendment and the Protection Only Budget. These two tools will produce de-regulating actions that will free the genuises of society and allow them to create a technological revolution. The government will only need a third of the present budget to operate and this will decrease taxes significantly. Furthermore, all industries will soar to technological heights like the computer industry meaning people will be able to afford things only millionaires could afford a short time ago. Buying power will skyrocket and prices will plummet and decreased, unforced taxes will put more money in people’s pockets each dollar of which will go much, much farther than it did before. Additionally, the TVP government will sell all assets that have nothing to do with protection
The Sky is the Limit
Business, How to Become Wealthy
Company capture is capturing your own creativity while on the job and in your own personal life development. It involves finding that place of creativity that produces a dual derivative….one of joy in creation adding to your personal life’s enhancement, and secondly, in the produced value. The shared value occurs both monetarily and through the generated product itself which becomes useful to others by enhancing their lives. Our lives become the product of our personal research and discovery. Because of reading and receiving the new birth of our creative inner child through the written works of Mark Hamilton, we begin to see the value in ourselves once again. This motivates us to advance our life as we continue to discover our life’s purpose. Something funny about value…. Value leads to appreciation and sharing follows close behind. Now, where ever we are in life that creative essence sparks greater and greater self development and brings forth new discoveries into our lives adding to our personal value. Through this our lives are enhanced. This affect is what makes life stimulating for us once again. You know shared appreciation between people be it of a product, an idea, or even when sharing yourself always causes the receiver to acquire enhanced levels of awareness and vitality for
Why all Americans should be Ashamed if they are not Wealthy! Part 2
How to Become Wealthy, Wealth
In part 1 I gave you something very powerful, the definition of being wealthy. By simply defining the crossover point you should either have been happy because you have a certain level of wealth or you should be glad that you now have a defined goal to work towards. As I have traveled the world I have seen the grand casinos in Monaco and the extreme poverty in Kenya. As I look at the devistation in Haiti I am reminded of the Philippines and hurrican Katrina. I lived in the Philippines for 3 years and the building construction looks almost identical to the ruins in Haiti. I lost a rental house in Katrina that was a few blocks away from my daughters house. The devastation in St Bernard Parish and the 9th ward affected all the buildings. My point is that these disaster hit all of the folks in that area regardless of economic status. My daughter and her husband drove away before the hurricane hit. I had enough wealth that I was able to give them a safe place to live until things could work out (which was several months). Also because of my wealth I was up to date on my insurance payments and so even though my renter lost almost everything when I finally got reimbursed I