Recent From The Neothink Society
Vote with Love in Your Heart
Health, How to be Happy, Peace, Politics, Wealth
When you look to the New Year do you look upon it with hope for another year to create within, or, do you look to another to create something within that year for you? Creativity brings happiness, so, the way to a Happy New Year is to create it. What will you create in the approaching year? Do you long for prosperity and happiness? Then, consider helping to create the Prime Law Movement within the Twelve Visions Party. The Prime Law guarantees the conditions for you to prosper and live happily by forbidding the use of force, threat of force, fraud or coercion. If you fail to move forward in your life is that a force upon yourself and your natural evolution as a human being? What will you do in 2012 that will put you in the place you always knew you should reside? Do you believe you should prosper and live happily? Then, come create a civilization where we live in wealth, health and peace. Do you feel the conditions exist for you to prosper and live happily today? Then, come help create that place you want to live within. Would you support a law that guarantees the conditions for you to prosper and live happily? Then, choose the Prime Law over a Politician in 2012. Bring in
Before I found out about Mark Hamilton and Neothink
Health, How to be Happy, Peace, Wealth
Mark; .. Before I found out about Mark Hamilton and Neothink. My life was like a yo-yo,up and down. Until one day i found myself incarcerated for a number of years. As time past, sadly i lost contact with my wife and all of my children,grandchildren great-grand children. This made life even harder for me on the inside. As the years past, i became emotional out touch even more with my family and myself. Then I had already been on the outside of society. I was losing my true inner self. And there where many others in the same boat with me. But unfortunately most of them would not be as fortunate as i was later upon returning to society. From what i saw, heard, and experienced during those years. The staff held classes, could not and did not have the wisdom or insight to help anyone relocate their lost true child like innerself.Thus bring renewed deeply within themselfs. So they could relocate their true inner love, compassion, peace and responsibility towards society, family and themselves! I can now honestly and ethically state that from my own true life experiences,of having my toddler years stripped and stolen from me early in my life as a child. Thus ending up in an orphanage as a result, and a means to protect
As a new member, I am excited …
Health, Peace
As a new member, I am excited about meeting the other members. I have searched for an organized people who think into the past, present, future for humanity teaching visions of realizing new truth vital for our valuable freedom to life allowing humanity to thrive with dignity as we advance together evolving with vision & enlightenment from the past, to the present, for the future seeking joy & happiness through real true love, real truth, original true health with the application of others of like mind & feelings moving forward with visions of a peaceful universal reality of worldwide freedom to exist & advance together eradicating poverty, diseases, & ignorance. I believe that Mark Hamilton of Neothink has achieved proper solutions for society to accomplish restoration of life worldwide so that mankind will have freedom in all areas respecting each one’s privacy of rightful freedom from any harm, accepting self-responsibility of actions. Neothink is truly educating society for the highest quality of life
Mark Hamilton has united a spark of hope
How to be Happy, Peace
Mark Hamilton has united a spark of hope that brighter then the seed of life in itself, and the essence will grow to be a whole new world of the universe logic; with great aspiration in the Neothink world. The real time is out there moving forward too be shared by everyone around the world and does not stop until it’s next puzzle and then it keep’s moving forward to connect to a happy place to be of total life’s essence this is why I like.