Recent From The Neothink Society
Mark Hamilton deserves much respect
Peace, Wealth
Mark Hamilton deserves much respect, admiration and appreciation. His innovative approach to bringing peace and prosperity to the world is implemented through consciousness and kindness. The Neothink organization attempts only to better the condition of mankind. I personally thank Mark Hamilton for his courage and conviction and for sharing his wisdom with us. We, the People, are in need of this positive approach to life for the well being of us all.
Neothink is looking at …
How to be Happy, Peace
Neothink is looking at, practicing and living a life with truth, honesty, compassion and most of all love. Todays governing culture strives for success by using control to amass power to increase one’s own self-interest. Neothink looks past this self-serving interest and strives to achieve a culture were actions are based from love that benefit everyone. The essence of Neothink is depicted best in the Neothink Manuscripts as you follow the life and times of Anabel, the school teacher.
We know all men are created equal
How to be Happy, Peace
Mark, We know all men are created equal. But, what we do with our time here on earth is what makes the difference. Neothink has indeed brought to light what we as Star children of the Universal Civilization need to reckon with lower cast beings. All mankind will rise to their levels of commitment and fade away. Universal children will always continue to create the loving, peaceful, harmony that is always ours to enjoy. Worry does not exist in perfection!
This information has been long in coming …
Business, Health, How to Become Wealthy, Peace, Wealth
.. “This information has been long in coming it has delay for many years very few can ever believe such a knowledge exist. Any person, any child and man any woman that is aware, will leave all those behind that are awaiting guidance from the so called higher sources.” You cannot say much it is something to experience before. Second, I thank you for persisting in your extraordinarily difficult business of spreading Neothink ideas and doing everything you could so readers can actually benefit from Neothink. In fact I have benefited from Neothink and I will describe those benefits here. It has been to some of us a duty to think on bringing Neothink to the ordinary man but today we are and must do everything possible to make this great history for humanity. Solving all major problems on earth has be-devil humanity just because of the devil and the evil genius of history. We can move forward only with NEOTHINK for HEALTH,WEALTH, and PEACE on EARTH this can truly guarantee humanity peace and create more dignify society in the 21st century. This has been a steady growing period for me in this wonderful and meaningful society. I LEARN TO BE HEALTHY, HONEST, TO TREAT MY FELLOW HUMAN AS HUMANLY AS POSSIBLE and close family as GOLD WITH THE GREATEST