Recent From The Neothink Society
Since I started reading your Neothink work …
Peace, Psychology
Since I started reading your Neothink work, I have learned to see through the illusions. I have put the puzzle pieces together in my mind for a better tomorrow. Your writing is an inspiration to me to want to be a creator. There is so much truth in the things you write. When the anticivilation start to weigh heavy on me. I can read some of your writings or listen to some of your seminars and feel better about the world. There is so much truth in the things you talk about. Since I started reading and ordering your literature. I have been attacked by the upper class. I was admitted to a mental hospital for a month. They tried to take control of my money and let my wife control it. The first book I ordered and paid for (The Neothink Inside Secrets) Got lost in the mail so ,i never got that book. They had me so disoriented with the drugs I was forced to take I could not remember what I had ordered. When the clerk at post office gave me the parts of the package to file a claim, I could not remember what I had ordered. My brain is clear now. The Neothink Manuscripts are and will be a eye opener for the general public
To all humans of the United States and World …
Peace, Politics, Psychology
To all humans of the United States and World and to whom it does concern you all. The Truth. Our Government has lie-ed to us all for God knows how long. How many wars we had to fight because of the lies. came from a Alcoholic Family and at 6 years old my Mom and Dad divorced . My mom won me through court. My parents did not fight over my sisters just me. My mom had me in school and my dad would come and take me out of her school and take me to a school in his area. By 130 pm My mom and the law would take me out of that school and put me back in the school where my mom had me in to start with. I was in the back of a 48 ford wagon that got rear ended and that’s what happened to my teeth. My whole neck is shot and 2 bad discs in my lower back. I wanted to be with my dad. So I went to stay with my dad for a little bit. My mom asked me to come home for Christmas 1973 I said no. January 19 we buried my mom. She had a massive heart attack. December 30 4;20 p.m., seen my dad ripe off his
Hi Mr. Mark Hamilton
History, Peace
.. Hi Mr. Mark Hamilton, you have been kind enough to the world with this Neothink knowledge that you provided to us in the past and continue to produce, I would like to say that it would be very unkind to us especially in the United States not to be able to continue to listen to this uplifting words of Neothink, I hope the FTC realizes that would be very unfair to us as human being who are free to learn what ever makes us feel good. I am feeling very good about the work of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink.
As a new member, I am excited about …
History, Peace
As a new member, I am excited about meeting the other members. I have searched for an organized people who think into the past, present, & future for humanity teaching visions of realizing new truth vital for our valuable freedom to life allowing humanity to thrive with dignity as we advance together evolving with vision & enlightenment from the past, to the present, for the future seeking joy & happiness through real true love, real truth, original true health, & with the application of others of like mind & feelings moving forward with visions of a peaceful universal reality of worldwide freedom to exist & advance together eradicating poverty, diseases, & ignorance. I believe that Mark Hamilton of Neothink has achieved proper solutions for society to accomplish restoration of life worldwide so that mankind will have freedom in all areas respecting each one’s privacy of rightful freedom from any harm, accepting self-responsibility of actions. Neothink is truly educating society for the highest quality of life