Recent From The Neothink Society
I’m proud to be a Neothink Warrior Standing up for Freedom & Integrated Honesty!
How to be Happy, Peace, Politics
I`m proud to be a Neothink Warrior Standing up for Freedom & Integrated Honesty! I Feel more Powerful than any Government or Agencies! Remember, we act with highest levels of Integrity & Endurance! A Show of Hands will prove that we in Twelve Visions Party, Neothink Society, and Neothink Warrior know that we played our hand out beautifully in search of Justice For All! We are not some Government Bureaucrat Demanding More Rules & Regulations, More Tax Money! In which they slow down & even stop progress with regulation after regulation! Dimming our hopes to prosper & live happily, to live in Peace Of Mind! Joy & Happiness is Neothink! Together we can map out the future! Grabbing & placing the puzzle pieces so they fit with passion & precision! To use our minds to Think of something that brings The Greatest Gift of Creating Minds & Exploring minds! Helping others Think for The Better Of All Of Us! Not just some Government or Agency moving towards police states & fascism! Twelve Visions Party! The Prosper & Live Happily Party! Here Comes The Civilization Of The Universe!
Since becoming a member of the TVP/NEOTHINK SOCIETY
Peace, Politics
Since becoming a member of the TVP/NEOTHINK SOCIETY, I found my Friday-night-essence and concentrated on being a self leader through power approach. I am thankful for the inner secrets I learned from the Neothink teachings of my mentor Mark Hamilton and the TVP/Neothink movement. I hope to be free from the ruling class Government that has kept us from our freedom 3000 years. Mark Hamilton teachings should all who wants freedom from the ruling class join Hamilton America.
I am a slow reader, but so far what I have read, is interesting.
Peace, Politics
I am a slow reader, but so far what I have read, is interesting. I am still reading about Miss Annabelle. And enjoying what I have read so far. None of what I have read. I do not find anything wrong, from those writings so far. I did not finish the first book, I am 64 years old. I am a member of a couple Fraternal Organizations, that promotes patriotism. I have read some of your writings, that you have posted on your web page. I found nothing wrong there either. You have a right to freedom of speech. Of course you already know that. I am here, reading your material. Remember one thing, Mr. Hamilton, if you are become, what some might think a threat, they will find away to get rid of you. Because as you know, they do not want the people to know the truth, that goes on in the world. Bruce Willis, Die Hard Four – came closest to exposing what goes on in our country. In closing Mr. Mark Hamilton, take care – an watch your back.
It was America that dramatically advanced the evolution from the rule of man …
Health, How to be Happy, How to Become Wealthy, Peace, Wealth
It was America that dramatically advanced the evolution from the rule of man (a monarch) to the rule of law (the U.S. Constitution). And it is America that can complete that evolution from the rule of flaw-filled man to the rule of flawless law by fully removing man from making, interpreting, and executing law. The final evolution is the Prime Law, which will lift society into unprecedented freedom and its people into never-before-seen wealth, health, and peace. The Prime Law is coming with the success of the Twelve Visions Party, and will complete the trend by fully removing the rule of man and everyone will become wealthy, including the poor. To complete the evolution into universal prosperity the powers of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches must be taken away from the opinions and agendas of flaw-filled man and put into a flawless Prime Law. If you take a hundred well educated men and women and ask them their thoughts on important issues of law and politics, they will bombard you with many different opinions and agendas – as exemplified by the U.S. Senate. Moreover, once in position of political power, surrounded by the trappings of irresistible power and wealth, their answers become directed to their own benefits, for their own political clout. Man is an easily influenced, easily corrupted