Recent From The Neothink Society
As I think and write my story I’m eager to tell you the whole story …
As I think and write my story I’m eager to tell you the whole story, thinking when I was a little boy I always dreamed to be a Millionaire by the age of 40, but knowing how long it would take to write it, I will leave it for one day when I’m ready to write my book. So, I start by telling you the short version, when I first received Mark Hamilton’s invitation to “Neothink” and how his teachings through manuscripts have change my life. At this particular time of my life, I was in the verge of destruction, emotionally, physically, financially and very close to break up my family with two young children. Mark Hamilton and “Neothink” along with his teachings came to the rescue! It was like one of these rescues you watch on television, were the person is standing on top of his car in a raging river clinging for his life and the helicopter comes along and drops the rope to save his life. It seem funny but “believe it or not it’s true”. Making my dreams come true is not about blood, sweat and tears…it’s about beliefs, imagination and expectation! Becoming pro-active with my world today, is truly the right path to my happiness. Mark Hamilton’s intent becomes crystal clear as I take the
Have you ever asked yourself this question; what is the true meaning of life here on earth?
.. Have you ever asked yourself this question; what is the true meaning of life here on earth? Do you constantly search for the answers and ask individuals for their help and the answers they give still do not fill the void in your life? Do you sometimes experience feelings and sensations about yourself and others that cant be explained in every day life? I too did wonder and question my purpose in life, and experienced these feelings and sensations in my life. These sensations I experienced started in childhood. When your a child your mind is like a sponge, it absorbs an incredible amount of memory at an early age. I do remember when I was a child I was concerned about my great grandmother which was in the nursing home at the time. I felt that God was directing me to go ask my mother if my grandmother was ok. One day later my great grandmother passed away. Do you ever experience these feelings? Some call it De Ja Vu. I never knew the true meaning of these feelings until I had the opportunity to read Mark Hamilton’s books. He showed me a way to have an more spiritual connection with God. I had all the pieces to the puzzle, I just needed someone to help me put
Skeptical, as skeptical can be, I am one in which facts of life are important
Skeptical, as skeptical can be, I am one in which facts of life are important. Carrying heavy burden in truth to understand life’s maze. I think beyond horizons’ and see images in big picture panoramic views. Nothing has brought me to envision deeper thoughts through the grace of God knowing that one’s imagination exceeds those of common mind extending to reach more, far more, than can be desired. Using God-given abilities and developing further the 10 second miracles I can stand with vision, great aspiration, and controls to my surrounds with positive and evolving improvements. Not that I am rich financially but can extend my aptitudes to such goals and aspire to meet them in good order. Knowing that gains are recognized as rich through quality of character as well as consistent measure in dealing with life’s surprises. I hold my learning as gift of God and his Spirit to guide my every means and hold to understanding the need to have order although, I stand in the gap of Nothing creative design in much appreciation in learning what balance must be determined in the dishonest illusion. I have read the Neothink literature in whole and look for my opportunity to complete an adventure in which I hold to better years ahead and can say that anyone interested in learning more of themselves and so instruct
Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill
How to be Happy, Peace
This book is definitely different than any other NH book I have read. If you have read Think and Grow Rich you may recall that NH formed an imaginary council in his mind and communed with them daily. He studied each member of his council and over time they all started to take on their own characteristics in his mind. He states in his book that they became so real to him it scared him and he discontinued meeting with them.
It appears that NH applied this technique to the Devil.