Recent From The Neothink Society
Still Reading, Still Learning
When I started this, I couldn’t have imagined what it would be like; then I took a long break from reading (personal reasons), then got back to it & am even more amazed. I can’t believe how our civilization has become so stagnate & non changing, than becoming their our person, of whom they were meant to be; now that I’m reading again, I can now understand what it truly means as well as the anticivillization we live in, I look forward in learning more
Ten Signs of Awakening Your Inner Child
How to be Happy, Peace, Romance
Time and space in a complicated life, tend to cause us to detach from ourselves so that seemingly, life’s burdens do not trouble us too much. In doing this we detach ourselves from our inner being. However, within each of us is the innate ability to move beyond circumstances and into fully integrated perceptions and thought. This becomes our vehicle towards the re-birth of the inner child. You were never meant to suffer, to be discouraged, to be defeated, to be troubled. You were always meant to enjoy happiness, peace, great amounts of love, and its greater effect of loving the world around you. Within each of us is the power of a living consciousness that comes to us when we seek it with our heart, soul, and mind as one. I hope that you enjoy this video….I love the music…Close your eyes, feel the freedom of liberating peace and harmony as you give yourself this little moment of calm and quiet. With Love to you all….
Jake part 3
How to be Happy, Peace
.. Later that afternoon Jake set up the checker board. He sat Nicky down in front of it and showed the boy the rules of the game. “I know you’re a little young for this kid, but I taught all my children to play this game. They got pretty good at it, especially my little girl.” “Where is your little girl?” Jake sighed. “I don’t really know, she left home a long time ago and I haven’t heard from her since. Her brothers live over in California and I don’t get to see them very much either. So now I have you until they find your mother and I need a checkers opponent. King me!” They played for a while and Jake ordered pizza for dinner. As they ate, Nicky told Jake about being with his daddy and Crystal. His father had taken Nicky for one of his regular visits and when the time was up he loaded everyone into the RV and hit the open road. Jake’s heart went out to Nicky’s mother. He knew what it was like to lose a child and never know what happened. ** *** ** The next morning Jake took Nicky into town for breakfast. As they entered the diner, Margaret looked up from her breakfast and waived for them to join her
A Victim’s Plea
Health, Peace, Psychology
What happened to common sense and the joy once felt solving one’s life problems? Where did that toddler mentality go? How did it wash away? From snug-as-a-bug in a rug in a tiny little crib, running along in hopes and dreams, then, climbing up into a king. Does ego take-over, simply having a need to understand, and, then get lost in being right, or, not being able to be? Why does ego step in and complicate life, when, it is could so easily leave without a trace? Can compassion, patience, tolerance and understanding (the traits of love) bring us back to the Security once felt—as we were snug-as-a-bug in a little crib. The tides-turn with anger, vengeance, chaos and waring, yet, a simple wave-action can bring in wealth, health, peace. A few weeks of hard-firestone thinking, full of hoping and dreaming, and, you joyfully complete a project, as, you mow your way through a set of regulations to bring wealth, health and peace to your state. One-by-one the toddler-mentality spreads from shore-to-shore, then, continent to continent. The Child of The Past steps in, to capture the security longed for, so-long-ago left behind. Life became complicated and confusing when the toddler-like-mentality fell to the rising Rule of Man. Imagine, with deep-feelings the generational gratitude, that you chose to feel snug-as-a-bug, when you welcomed the Prime Law into your