Recent From The Neothink Society
Producing and appreciating values will solve America’s problems
Health, How to Make Money, Politics
Why should a strong-arm government expect you to sacrifice your efforts, earnings and values to the non-producers and tricksters? Enslavement to the social good is not the solution to America’s problems. We must each step-up to the plate, produce for the pay we receive, and quit believing the world owes us. Begin to ask what we can do to help a neighbor, co-worker, or a child. Quit asking for help instead find solutions. Using our natural state of being, which is to solve problems, will make this country stronger. Passage of yet another bill will not solve our problem. We must quit asking what the government can do for us. What we do with our minds makes life better? Are we producing values with our minds? Are we continuously creating more man-made valuable products with our minds? Or do we want nature or government to automatically provide for us? We haven’t lived in nature for centuries and we have learned to produce and provide for our needs. Since man no longer lives in nature we are no longer saddled with environmental conditions that dictate what we do. We can live inside and enjoy the great man-made home already created for us. We can also choose to create additional values for the benefit of self and others. We don’t need government
Enjoy Perfect Physical & Mental Health
Health, History, How to Become Wealthy, Politics, Wealth
As I sit here and open my second large black heirloom book published by Mark Hamilton, I turn to page 267 to read Vision Twelve, “Enjoy Perfect Physical and Mental Health.” In my mind I see flashes throughout the history of man and events that have happened within our society’s history. I also remember studies of things which are likely to happen according to most recent scientific research of possible outcomes pertaining to computer generated models of social human behavior and events that occurred throughout time. This can easily be done as history seems to have an uncanny ability to repeat itself in time.Learn more about how to become wealthy! Vision Twelve poses possibilities of change, or not….and begins by discussing infectious diseases as pertains to human mortality both in previous history as well as today, which was (at the time of publication – the future).So, let’s read about the treat of a Flu Pandemic then, and now. Neothink spreads the awareness to keep people away from drugs, Viruses etc and let people learn how to become wealthy and live the healthiest life. Vision Twelve starts with a quote from a time magazine article that reads like this, “It is not just new viruses that have doctors worried. Perhaps the most ominous prospect of all is a virulent strain of
Farewell to America
History, How to be Happy, Politics, Wealth
Now that we are headed into another electoral process with the upcoming Presidential elections at term end of President Obama, I decided to look in to what a political party is supposed to be and what it is supposed to do for America and her people.You will learn to select the correct government party to be happy and successful. Traditionally, a political party is an organized political group of members who seek to attain and maintain the political purposes of its governing body. Originally, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence and ratification of the U.S. Constitution into law, the purpose of politics in America was to first attain and then maintain political power for America within the establishment of her independent governmental system thereby removing America and her peoples from the rule of England and her King. George washington farewell address In nonpartisan elections, each candidate is eligible for office on his or her own merits. In nonpartisan legislatures, there are no typically formal party alignments within the legislature. The administration of George Washington and the first few sessions of the US Congress were nonpartisan. Washington also warned against political parties during his Farewell Address. I found it interesting to read that the administration of George Washington and the first few sessions of the U.S. Congress were nonpartisan.
The Most Important Discovery Ever for Money, Power, and Love
Business, Economics, How to be Happy, How to Become Wealthy, How to Make Money, Peace, Politics, Psychology, Romance, Wealth
An entire new field of knowledge has been discovered by Mark Hamilton. For nearly four decades, Mr. Hamilton developed a powerful array of integrated knowledge called Neothink. That new knowledge allows any person to prosper monetarily, personally, romantically, and financially anywhere in the world, even during personal or financial hard times, inflation, boomtimes, recession, depression, war. I interviewed Mr. Hamilton was interviewed about Neothink at his home in the Sierra Nevadas. Want to skip to Part Two of this series and learn how to use Neothink to become unstoppable? Click Here. Below is an edited portion of that interview which explains his discovery: ES: What is Neothink? How can I benefit from it? HAMILTON: Neothink is a new way of using one’s mind; it’s a new, scientific method for capturing major business and personal advantages everywhere. Neothink is a new knowledge that has nothing to do with positive thinking, religion, or anything mystical. Once a person is exposed to Neothink, he can quietly profit from any situation — anywhere, anytime. He can prosper almost anywhere on earth and succeed under almost any economic or political condition. Neothink applies to all money and power gathering techniques — to all situations involving the transfer of money, business, power, or love. Ironically, Neothink has its roots in poker — the money game, the