Recent From The Neothink Society

Shall We Dance in the Moonlight?
How to be Happy, Romance
.. Shall we dance in the moonlight? Will you dance with me please? For us to enjoy this moment together, we each must know we can dance, and, we must trust each other to be our very best. Our gift of dance is not gender based, reliant upon a region or religion, nor a lack of any of these. We are two dancers and we are heading to the moonlight. We shall not see the color of our eyes or skin for the moon is so slender. The curve of your spine and the curve of mine are very similar. We have no need to speak for the music of love is our guide. Oh the hand of Mother Nature made us so similar. Yet to know the difference requires we go on a moon walk together. Together we shall discover the sun rises and falls, as do our chests while we breathe in the intoxicating scent of the briar bush and the sweet scent of each other. We need not feel uncomfortable with the way that we step or breathe as this is the newness of life the world over. Over and over again, we step into the darkness. We discover that each step and breath, in-tune with the beat of Mother Earth, brings us together and we begin
Reading Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Heirlooms …
How to be Happy, Romance
Reading Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Heirlooms have moved me from being a person who had given up on love, to a person who has deep faith in love’s power to heal the divisiveness that is the human experience existing in today’s world. The journey with the Heirlooms have taken me to a place of honest self- discovery and has led me through a continual process of illuminating belief’s that create divisive and unbalanced results in my life. The Heirlooms are teaching me to use time and thought to honestly integrate self into my self’s creative experiences. The techniques that Mark Hamilton points out in his writings have given me a viable way to create happiness and success. I am more balanced and aware of my thoughts and effectively use self-control. I actively create thoughts and actions that enhance the loving and harmonious life that I want to live. A ‘someone has authority over me’ control system was deeply ingrained into my life’s path before I read Mark Hamilton’s informative Neothink Heirlooms. I first had to remove outside authority over my thoughts and focus towards self discovery/capture. I had known and felt that I was ultimately responsible, for as far back as I can remember, but I hadn’t begun to recognize its importance or really put it into practice until I read
The writings from Mr. Mark Hamilton …
Health, Romance, Wealth
The writings from Mr. Mark Hamilton founder of Neothink are full of a rich tapestry of valuable information on how to live a conscious existence full of success, in all endeavors of life including but not limited to romance, wealth, health and well being and a longer life span. This inspirational reading for the modern day person takes you from the mundane into the exciting future. To fully benefit oneself they must have an independent unified consciousness and not be dependent on external factors but tap into their own inner courage and strength. This strength will create the reality they long to experience in this exciting future that is unfolding. Being totally honest with others and with the self their lives unfold in ways they could only dream of. Because honesty is the solid foundation to which all else is built upon and when this is applied by everyone great transformational experiences will occur. His literature also talks about realities outside of this planet where information can be tapped into and utilized for the further advancement of our civilization. The more advanced our society becomes in the technology field the more the individual becomes advanced.
Neothink is a very groovy way of thinking.
Business, Health, How to be Happy, Romance, Wealth
Neothink is a very groovy way of thinking. Mr. Mark Hamilton leads this new way of thinking with the discovery of very ancient Knowledge and Wisdom and Techniques that flow harmoniously with the set laws of nature and natures God. Absorb this Wonderful Knowledge. Seek the kingdom and let God within guide. Manifest the blessings that hard work, honest endeavors, & express your high level of intent and commitment to know more of the purpose of life, and it will most surely bring what All Good Souls seek in the Pursuit of Happiness, in this only, agreed upon, mortal state, True Romantic Love, Powerful Renewing Health, Applied Earned Wealth and Business Success. I really dig Neothink physics on the fabric of existence speed of light space travel and the creation of the number zero. . . this work also teaches what the founders of the great nation of America secured for all who call themselves American, an Amazing Life! Liberty! from oppressive government and the individuals who wrongly govern and represent us, The good and right kind of Pursuit of Happiness! and Individual Sovereign Rights to self determination , All these Self Evident Truths. . . hey Instant Karma Gonna Get You, you know. .