Recent From The Neothink Society
WELL, well, well!
Romance, Wealth
WELL, well, well! The dye is indeed cast and the winds of chance are blowing…let no man put them asunder! You know what I mean! The campaign has come to the forefront. Let the games begin! The games what game you ask! The game the human race has been playing and losing (by the way) since time began! The game of truth and, lies! So far we pretty much lived a pack of lies since we came out of the caves! Now our hour of redemption is close at hand! The answer to your life long prayers such as love, money, health and, the ever so popular question of the meaning of life your answers await you in the world of Neothink! And, the beauty of it all its simple! No broken promise none made! No black magic doesn’t exist. No help from divine angles for they serve the lord not you! In the world of Neothink there are simply ways easy to follow that will help you in ways a year from now you can’t even dream about now in your sleepy little controlled state you are in now. Look at all the attention were getting kinda makes you wonder maybe there is something to all that jazz! Sure is a lot of play on the internet! But it has
Ten Signs of Awakening Your Inner Child
How to be Happy, Peace, Romance
Time and space in a complicated life, tend to cause us to detach from ourselves so that seemingly, life’s burdens do not trouble us too much. In doing this we detach ourselves from our inner being. However, within each of us is the innate ability to move beyond circumstances and into fully integrated perceptions and thought. This becomes our vehicle towards the re-birth of the inner child. You were never meant to suffer, to be discouraged, to be defeated, to be troubled. You were always meant to enjoy happiness, peace, great amounts of love, and its greater effect of loving the world around you. Within each of us is the power of a living consciousness that comes to us when we seek it with our heart, soul, and mind as one. I hope that you enjoy this video….I love the music…Close your eyes, feel the freedom of liberating peace and harmony as you give yourself this little moment of calm and quiet. With Love to you all….
Cultivate Captivation
How to be Happy, Romance
Have you taken a soft-look at your loving relationship lately? Do you still find fascination with your partner? Are you captivated by their creativity and honesty towards your relationship? If so, you are within a growing relationship, so, be sure to add fascination to the relationship as well! If you find little to be fascinated about, and, little communication exists between the two of you, you may be sharing a relationship that is control-based. As adults we do not need to control each other. Letting go of control on another, and, no longer allowing another to control you, allows for creativity and pleasurable moments. As children we need protected so creativity flourishes. As adults freedom allows creativity to re-surface and our creative imaginations can add value to our relationships. Freedom and creativity move a relationship into a new dimension, a service-based relationship. Are you ready to move from a power-based relationship to a service-based relationship? If so, simply look back to joy filled moments. Remember how good it felt to create together, and, how much fun it was in the beginning. Find ways to serve your partner again to build happiness, and, before you know it, you will find your own needs served more often too! Be captivating (fascinating) not controlling to add value to life.
Heavenly Archway….
.. When I think of arches, I think of what they cause us to do…. First, we must look up to a higher plane in order to see them… Secondly, we must give ourselves the time needed to view their construction and beauty in its entirety; for if we just take a glance, we would surely miss the beauty and ingenuity of their constructions. Then we must be able to see that, though they reach the heights, they base their foundation on the plane for which they stand… Many times we stand in the world of today feeling that there is no way to reach the heights of conscious love and harmony within. This is because from where we stand, we see too much negativity and disillusionment which we begin to believe makes it impossible for us to lift ourselves up out of lonely disparity and into the heights of love and harmony. The vision must not be external….all the power of creation starts from within the heart and soul of the individual. To look at the arches of love and harmony which encompass our world is only to realize that the ingredients of love and harmony are already founded within our hearts. I do not believe that I can create love and harmony from the negativity and disillusionment that