Recent From The Neothink Society

How to Make Money From Home with Neothink’s 7 Steps of the Self-Leader Secret
Business, How to Become Wealthy, How to Make Money, Wealth
Transcript How to make money from home? I am asked this question often. There are many ways to make money from home. I created an internet Marketing Company that I run from home. Hi! my name is Mack and I’m a Neothink Society Member and Mentor. You can earn money from home through Direct Sales. You can have an Ebay Garage Sale Become a Virtual Office Assistant There are many many ways to make money from home. Find something that you are passionate about. Something that you would rather do more than anything else. The real key to the question “How to make money from home” is to have the knowledge and mindset to succeed. To ensure your success with any home based business, as many of The Neothink Society Members have… including myself, you will need to immerse yourself in Mark Hamilton’s Self-Leader System. The Self-Leader System is a success booster. How to make money from home is not just about what you do… but how you do it. Mark Hamilton’s, Self-Leader System Seven Steps, showed me how to achieve greater success. Each of the seven secrets can be used independently to boost success. I use all seven steps together as a powerful system – The Self-Leader System. I’ve become a Self-Leader. You can also use Mark Hamilton’s Self-Leader
Business Leadership
Business, How to be Happy, How to Become Wealthy, How to Make Money, Wealth
What is the essence of leadership? To do what needs done and to do it well. How does one do that? By taking charge rather than waiting for someone else to make it happen. What will taking charge do for you? Improve your life. So, how does one take charge in a job? By asking questions and taking on additional responsibilities. This unearths your creativity. This is the 1st step, a small step, but, a great leap for you. It won’t be unusual for you to have more experience than some fellow employees or bosses, and less than others. So, what do you do about that? You accept it, and move forward. We are not all good at everything, but, we can learn more. Start by taking on responsibilities in areas that you are good at and that bring you happiness. Then, don’t be afraid to try something new. You might find something that brings you even more happiness. Do you know that some bosses are happy to have you take over their work? They are busy, and as an added bonus to them, you may help free up their time for another round of golf. You may wonder why you would want to make their life “easy street”. Well, when the boss is gone, you get to be the
Enjoy Perfect Physical & Mental Health
Health, History, How to Become Wealthy, Politics, Wealth
As I sit here and open my second large black heirloom book published by Mark Hamilton, I turn to page 267 to read Vision Twelve, “Enjoy Perfect Physical and Mental Health.” In my mind I see flashes throughout the history of man and events that have happened within our society’s history. I also remember studies of things which are likely to happen according to most recent scientific research of possible outcomes pertaining to computer generated models of social human behavior and events that occurred throughout time. This can easily be done as history seems to have an uncanny ability to repeat itself in time.Learn more about how to become wealthy! Vision Twelve poses possibilities of change, or not….and begins by discussing infectious diseases as pertains to human mortality both in previous history as well as today, which was (at the time of publication – the future).So, let’s read about the treat of a Flu Pandemic then, and now. Neothink spreads the awareness to keep people away from drugs, Viruses etc and let people learn how to become wealthy and live the healthiest life. Vision Twelve starts with a quote from a time magazine article that reads like this, “It is not just new viruses that have doctors worried. Perhaps the most ominous prospect of all is a virulent strain of
Farewell to America
History, How to be Happy, Politics, Wealth
Now that we are headed into another electoral process with the upcoming Presidential elections at term end of President Obama, I decided to look in to what a political party is supposed to be and what it is supposed to do for America and her people.You will learn to select the correct government party to be happy and successful. Traditionally, a political party is an organized political group of members who seek to attain and maintain the political purposes of its governing body. Originally, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence and ratification of the U.S. Constitution into law, the purpose of politics in America was to first attain and then maintain political power for America within the establishment of her independent governmental system thereby removing America and her peoples from the rule of England and her King. George washington farewell address In nonpartisan elections, each candidate is eligible for office on his or her own merits. In nonpartisan legislatures, there are no typically formal party alignments within the legislature. The administration of George Washington and the first few sessions of the US Congress were nonpartisan. Washington also warned against political parties during his Farewell Address. I found it interesting to read that the administration of George Washington and the first few sessions of the U.S. Congress were nonpartisan.