Faith or Fate
How to be Happy, How to Become Wealthy, Wealth
Have you ever wondered about life’s little mysteries. Why things are the way they are. Why some people succeed and others don’t. Why others prosper while you struggle to survive. Before I obtained what is refered to as the mysterious Neothink manuscripts, I too often wondered why some believe that they should not prosper and that to teach prosperity is unforgivable. I used to wonder why it is that when you achieve and accomplish strengths in one category of your life, you discover and develop in other areas.
Why was I taught that if I am holding on to a picture in my mind as to what the creator looked like that I was committing a sin and contridicting what the good book said? Because no one has seen God and lived, so I was in the catagory of worshipping idols and putting other beings before the almighty.
Why was I taught that I should not be walking by a picture of what the almighty looked like hanging in my home. Because it is written that no man has seen God and lived.
Why is it that when good and wonderful things happen to me I need to give praise, but when disaster and other bad things occur, the person responsible was me.
I especially used to wonder why no man has seen God and lived.
Now, thanks to the greatest kept secret of all times, I no longer wonder why.
When i was introduced to the SELF-LEADER SYSTEM
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Mark Hamilton’s books are fantastic eye openers and make so much sense. We live in a world that needs change. The sign of our times is now. We can’t continue the way we are going or we will get what we always get. Neothink and all its facets are coming to reality. Mark hamilton is truely amazing. I am lad he opened your eyes also. This is a new era which will truely help all of us to be sucessful and happy and content. Please follow Mark Hamiltons writings.