From Within
The year is 1986 and a short film directed by Francis Ford Coppola and executive produced by George Lucas sets out to capture the hearts of mankind with a musical sci-fi with the infamous Michael Jackson. The movie was exclusive to visitors to the Disney parks and was called “Captain EO”
In February 1993 I embarked on an adventure and visited Disney World. My time there was truly magical especially when I got to see the attraction at Epcot. The exhibit to view Caption EO was also in 3D bringing a whole new dimension to the idea of “light”.
EO was traveling the universe bringing freedom to the inhabitants. He was using his power to transform the darkness that resides within into light to share with others. He conveyed we are beautiful from within and he was bringing a key to unlock it that was his gift to all. Not only could we see his gift but hear it. EO was here to bring brighter days!
His musical number “We are here to change the world” spoke of the peace and paradise we can create. Not pointing our fingers, but lending a hand to truly live as we should. The passing of Michael Jackson this past week has brought back in me the awareness of how one can express ones self, in a way that we truly believe, from within.
When i was introduced to the SELF-LEADER SYSTEM
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HHMMM…this captain EO sounds a lot like a man named jesus. however,we are not here to change the world.the world is here to change us! it is a meeting place where we all find out(some sooner,some later)that we cannot do much of anything by ourselves. so far it seems to be working pretty well.just look around and you see that every time man tries to ‘straighten’ something out,things just end up getting worse.apparently they will get quite bad before we ALL wake up.THEN we will be ready. nuff said bout dat.ta-ta leon