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I was at a point in my life where I felt, what the heck I will just coast.
Life is what it is and you just get by.
Others seemed to go further. What was their magic touch?
What tools did they have that made them so successful?
I always wanted to know the tools. But never seemed to locate and/ or find them.
So, I got by and existed like so many thousands and thousands of other people.
But there was one difference I have always known that there was something different and/ or better out there to explore and find.
I just didn’t know where to find it. But I did keep looking and kept my eyes open.
One day a letter was mailed to me. It was not the normal what some people call junk mail letter. It was a letter enclosed in a well laid out personalized envelope that caught my attention and my curiosity.
My curiosity peaked, I did not discard the envelope with the letter enclosed, I opened it, and was amazed at the content, well written, personalized, as if written to me directly. I was not naive, I know that many letter were most likely sent out, but this letter spoke to me directly, saying that I had special traits and I could be successful and have happiness, I just needed to know where to look and use the found techniques in my daily life. I felt the content of the letter had merit for me and I owed it to myself to follow through.
I did follow through and I have not looked back. The tools and techniques are what I need to succeed and I know there is no magic potion, you need to put work into using the techniques in order to reach success, happiness etc.
It takes work to do anything correctly and the same is true for the techniques offered to me.
I apply the tools daily in my life and today I am living, not coasting or existing.
The letter was right, I do have special traits, I just needed to know how and where to look for them in myself. There are tools for success, I just needed to understand the tools and then know how to apply them in my daily living.
Today, yes I am living my life, I am not stagnated. Each day brings new meaning, I am happy because I understand how to be happy and I apply the tools to create my happiness.
People are drawn to me because I am at peace with myself and know who I am.
I am confident and self- reliant.
Thanks to a well thought out/ planned marketing letter, and my own sense of believing that life has the tools for living, today I am living and controlling my life.
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