SOS has changed my life!
At one time I was helping my 20 year son explore what type of home based business he might start to generate some extra income while attending Jr. College. I must have filled out 100 forms providing my name and email address to get the information I desired. Then one day a letter showed up in my mail box. Not my email, but my postal mail box (snail mail). The letter was from some guy by the name of Mark Hamilton (author of SOS Secrets).
Within the content of his letter he told me that he believed in me, that I had hidden talents and that I could become a valuable asset to the Society of Secrets. He went on to explain that that there were local clubhouses when I could go and meet others of like mind.
Well, I have to tell you that I have been a Corporate Executive for more that 20 years and figured that I knew more than this guy! I have also had many mentors (and still do) because none of us can know everything.
But… I have an open mind and Mark Hamilton provided some other information in this letter that intrigued me. So I thought what the heck… it’s a small investment and I always look to improve myself.
I believe that the first thing you do is to continually learn, grow and invest in continuing self improvement.
All I can say is the information contained in the literature is life changing. I am ten times more productive, I can see what others cannot and I learned how to create more value for my business environment. I have attended several local clubhouse meeting and have met some incredible people from all walks of life, including multi-millionaires.
Since I received the first book, I have two thriving businesses, one related to elder care and another internet based business (the one my son wasn’t interested in) these business create five figure monthly income while I actually work about four hours a day. I’m creating value and jobs in two recession proof businesses.
I could go on with this post for every, but all I can say is Mark Hamilton and The Society of Secrets has taken me to new heights, beyond what I thought was possible.
When i was introduced to the SELF-LEADER SYSTEM
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It Works . Thank you Neothink ,You helped me understand that if I want things in my life to change I should change things in my life most important changing the way you think .It did take me sometime to understand that the old thinking has to go in order to make room /space for the new to come in .Thank you Neothink .