Absolutely! Mark Hamilton’s Neothink® Business System begins with the Self-Capture Discovery that brings the ordinary person a Neothink® breakthrough, time-management system. Mark’s mini-day system multiplies productivity by breaking down one’s day-to-day work into its physical movements, not unlike an assembly-line. Mark says to approach your day as manufacturing success and wealth, so lay out your day via the most successful manufacturing breakthrough in history: the assembly-line. Then he shows how to accelerate your assembly-line of manufacturing success and wealth by feeding future projects into today’s mini-days through a Neothink® tool called the mini-day/power-thinking team.
Mr. Hamilton then presents his Company-Capture Discovery that puts the start-up company through my Neothink® breakthrough Division of Essence. His literature teaches that every job in the startup company (or any company of any size) will thrive from each employee’s greatest asset: his or her mind. Mark writes that people’s greatest assets, the human race’s greatest asset —our creative minds — are overlooked and wasted in most businesses today. Mark argues that most jobs today just use our bodies to perform specialized tasks and do not tap our human potential — our creative minds. He works to reverse that tragedy so that ordinary people caught in routine ruts can discover the creation-driven life. Mark Hamilton’s Company-Capture Discovery describes how setting up business through the Division of Essence, through my mini-companies (that all have a piece of the company’s essence), the entrepreneur or CEO successfully taps his or her employees’ greatest assets — their creative minds. Mark describes how employees and businesses will rise beyond stagnation…into creation, and he points out that creation begets profits.
Next, Mark Hamilton delivers his World-Capture Discovery that encourages business leaders to take their companies to new levels of success. He explores the highest positions in companies today and presents his Neothink® breakthroughs involving the CEOs and presidents, describing how the physical company itself impedes the CEOs’ and presidents’ greatest assets — their own creative minds. He makes the counterintuitive breakthrough called the company-without-a-company/without-a-country. Essentially, a Level-Three CEO needs to physically separate from the company, and eventually the company itself needs to separate from its country, Mark explains, to discover unrestricted new realms of success.
Mark Hamilton provides compelling evidence and examples, such as ITT, initially a small U.S. company that went global from the very beginning, in 1914, and grew to a multi-billion-dollar worldwide company. He also demonstrates how his own tiny startup company has grown worldwide. Mark writes that the company-without-a-company frees the CEO to create and move forward without taking his/her creative time dealing with everyday company issues.
He explains that the company-without-a-country lifts the CEO’s vision from a limited “geocentric” perspective to an unlimited “heliocentric” perspective for worldwide growth. Mark Hamilton provides the Neothink® tools needed to take those leaps.