Yes. Mark Hamilton has written extensively about human behavior and psychology. His writings on psychology reach back to Princeton professor and psychologist, the late Dr. Julian Jaynes’ work on the origin of human consciousness, which advances the theory that up until a few thousand years ago, man existed with a “bicameral-mind mentality” that merely followed the commands of “external” authority (i.e., God-kings, oracles, audio-hallucinated “voices” of the Gods)…then two to three thousand years ago, survival pressures caused a mental leap into the superior cognitive, decision-making, internal-authority mentality known as human consciousness.
Mark describes what he calls another mental leap occurring right now on the human timeline…a mental leap into a new puzzle-building mentality that begets creativity. Mark Hamilton named this new mentality Neothink® (i.e., new think). Mark describes how Neothink® reaches far beyond today’s mentality through wide-scope integrated thinking that pulls together vast amounts of knowledge and snaps it together like puzzle pieces, which lock into place like a puzzle, creating puzzle-pictures of new knowledge. This unique thinking process begins with integrated thinking as opposed to specialized thinking that traps most people today in specialized jobs with specialized tasks and no room for creative input. Mark works is designed to lift my readers from their deep-rooted bicameral tendencies, from the pervasive, residual following mode, just following their daily routines while stuck in specialized thinking.
Mark Hamilton works is designed to lift my readers up to the self-leader mode using integrated thinking to lead oneself and rise to a creation-driven life. Mark’s work explores how specialized thinking like a bizarre form of hypnosis narrows our minds down to our set routines, our set tasks and staid responsibilities as we merely follow our daily patterns.
He emphasizes how easily we fall into that bicameral-like existence. Mark writes that integrated thinking, by contrast, breaks our minds free from those bicameral roots as we pull together knowledge, observations, thoughts, tests, results, ideas piece by piece into a growing puzzle of power within the job or project, and as the puzzle grows, a puzzle-picture — a creation — begins to form within our mind’s eye. Mark says we create through this process, and my writings are designed to bring the human race step by step into this new, creative mentality known as Neothink®.
Mark writes that the new Neothink® mentality not only creates values, but also allows us to see and shape our future, for as with any forming puzzle-picture, a point will come when you know what the puzzle-picture will look like even before all the pieces are in place. Those missing pieces are the future, and the Neothink® mentality already knows what they look like to effectively see and create one’s future. In short, Mark Hamilton asserts that the new Neothink® mentality enables us to create values and to create our futures, a psychological leap forward for human beings.
Additionally, Mark Hamilton links our personal limitations to man’s widespread, residual following-mode mentality still lingering from primitive man, “a deep-rooted primitive mentality that follows external commands as opposed to internally integrating knowledge to lead oneself.” Mark’s literature teaches one how to leap past that widespread limitation into integrated thinking and then Neothinking, in which the mind brings together and integrates knowledge piece by piece, like building a puzzle…until a new puzzle-picture is seen…a new creation.
The consistent theme of Mark’s self-improvement writings is: teach ordinary people who are stuck and stagnating in following-mode routine ruts how to shift into the integrating mode to create values. He writes that man was not made for stagnation and slowly dies from stagnation, whereas man was made for creation and lives the life he/she was meant to live through creating values.
Mark writes that the creation-driven life is the life we were born for, and man breaks through to a creation-driven life by leaving behind the following mode and evolving into the integrating mode…and onto the new mentality Neothink®; then instead of merely following the instructions of one’s leaders at work and in government, the ordinary person becomes the Self-Leader integrating knowledge to lead oneself, building puzzle-pictures to create values — the route to a happy and wealthy life.