Mr. Mark Hamilton,
Mark, I would like to personally thank you for your gargantuan efforts to enlighten the masses. I am writing this to you today to tell you that the information I have received and absorbed through your written literature and videotaped presentations have absolutely transformed my life. The heretofore unknown, to me, information that you have shared with me and many others has been truly eye-opening about how the whirled (world) and the parasitical elite class works. Blinded by the well intentioned mentoring of our ill informed role models has left most of the masses ignorant of how the conventional beaurocratic parasitical elitists rule over and try to mutate, befuddle and destroy our lives and aspirations.
Your Neothink literature has unmasked the devious manipulations of the ruling parasitical elite class and exposed to all that have read your literature how they deny us liberty, freedom of choice and much knowledge about our lives and our potential.
Obfuscation has been their goal in order to keep us dumbed down, inept, under their control and truly ignorant of our personal capabilities and great successes by trying to manipulate us to believe that it is only they that can offer us better than we can ourselves. Your literature unveils the cloak of darkness the parasitical elite have tried to envelop us in and teaches us to rely upon self, to strive for knowledge and see the ‘what is’ of the what is. I thank you for the reasoned information you have given me in order to understand better the whirled (world) around me and in which I live.
I now know, have always known actually, that my life is my own and what I make of it is actually incumbent upon me. Thank you for the reiteration and for removing the cloak of darkness that allows me to now see for myself the obfuscation all around me perpetuated by, and how it is perpetuated, the parasitical elite that wish to be my controllers and to control my mind, my life and all that I wish to be.
I, for most of my life, had questions about the why and what of things. Your literature has removed the questions I had had about all and laid out for me in all it’s transparency the horrific influence and mass manipulation of the parasitical elite upon my life and the lives of the masses. No longer will I be misled and manipulated by those that wish to do so. I now see the clarity of the heretofore unseen and unknown, thanks to you. My gratitude is everlasting.
My life is my own. The responsibilities for my life are my own. This I have always known but in a behind the curtains sort of way. I have mostly always known that this was the way it was sapposed to be but the weight of the masses and their conventional way of thinking weigh heavily against one being their own person. Peer pressure can be a terrible or a beautiful thing. As a Neothink man I am now living in a beautiful whirled (world) and appreciate much all that share it.
I thank you once again for the clarity you have given, reinforced, to me. No longer will I be a tempest tossed vessel in a sea of uncertainty. The information you have given me has shown me how the whirled (world) works against me in order to try to get me to be a disciple of their, the parasitical elites, wrongful way of thinking, acting and being. I now, once again, have the confidence to be my own man, stand on my own two feet, look them in the eye and tell them that I am now on to their game and I refuse to any longer play by their rules. My life is my own and I will now OWN it.
Thank you for all that you do. My very best to you and yours.
Chris G
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