My introduction to Neothink was very timely. I had found out that my religion had been contrived to control and blind me to the unique talents and abilities I had been born with.
And, after a bit of sadness and anger, I got over it. Because I found that all my religious experiences were actually right brain experiences! That understanding has freed me to further explore these right brain abilities. I found two books that brought light on this: one by Charles Haanel (1910 or so,) and the other by Thomas Troward, (same era).
What I have been overcoming is chronic laziness, depressions, and lazy, inept, unprofitable thinking. While I still have a way to go, Neothink has given me a new lease on life.
Now I am seeking to discover the bottom-line–so to speak –of optimum nutrition for the human body. The following points are what I have found so far:
1. The current farm practices which bring produce to the markets are anti-life and use shortcuts to extract profits while destroying the very soil that could give us optimum nutrition for our bodies. Chemical fertilizers force the plants to produce volumes of crops while pesticides destroy the very organisms that make organic minerals available to the plants and thus to us.
2. The soil requires organic matter to decay and microbes to use this organic matter to produce acids (humic and fulvic) that convert metallic minerals into organic minerals and ‘nano-ize’ these minerals so the plants can take these organic minerals up into their stems and leaves and fruits (including veggies); this makes them available to us when we consume the produce.
3. There are an average of 20 available minerals in the current farming soils. The human body requires from 50 to 70 minerals to function optimumly.
4. The plants and the human body need organic minerals, smaller than colloidal size, and cannot use the toxic metallic minerals.
5. The pesticides used in current farming practices exterminate the very microbes that make the organic minerals available.
A Neothink farmer would not use chemical fertilizers, nor chemical pesticides. He would enrich the soil with an abundance of 50 to 70 minerals (trace elements); he would make sure there were an abundance of microbes and organic matter in the soil; and last but not least he would use a nourishing system like Sonic Bloom, which uses sounds of bird-song at 4-6 hz and foliar fertilizing, which results in larger plants, larger and more fruitsand veggies, and produces more nanosugars in the plant stems and leaves—which causes any insects to die of alcohol poisoning when it bites into the plant! Incidentally, the greater amount of sugars ensures the development of the essential stem cell nutrients that the human body requires to make an abundance of stem cells–which do not develop until the plants are nearly ripe. Current farming practices pick the produce too early for these stem cell nutrients to be developed and available to the consumer.
This is as far as I have gotten; but my tomatoes from my little garden this summer were tasty, sweet, and plentiful, sweeter that the restaurant tomatoes! Anne G.
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