One day I understood that I was not able to fully realize my dreams in life…I also realized that I was past the prime of my life; and, even though I had completed all of the social requirements in life that make us feel happy and successful, I was not.
It was because for most of my life, I had simply either been told what to do, or how to do it. I was never really given the opportunity to create the values in life I wanted to achieve outside of the social mandates which were placed on me.
Now I realize, whatever I did not achieve was because I believed the lie that our society attempts to force on us. That is the lie that we must follow along with other’s opinions and ideas about who we are and what we will become.
To many people are lost today because of this mindset. When I read these materials from Mark Hamilton, it was like a life raft had been thrown out to me as I drifted on in the sea of life’s disolusionment.
The Neothink® Society is a loving group of people that value honesty over ambition. The opportunities in the Neothink® Society are many…
The Greatest Experience I have enjoyed is a renewed joy for life…and I want everyone I meet to comeback to the joy of life that we all once had as little children.
I am very grateful and appreciative to know that at some point in time Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society decided that I was a person of great value….This contact has brought greater value to my life than ever before.
Thank you Mark Hamilton. I truly believe that without your vision for America being implemented in the Twelve Visions Party® we would be racing along in life without a paddle, heading eventually towards the rocky bottom of despair,dissolusionment, and destruction of life as is seen in our current economy. You outline so clearly in your new book, Wealth, Health, and Peace how all Americans can enjoy wealth, health, and peace again in our beautiful country.
I am alive, I am at peace, I am happy.
I am excited with life because I know each day that I live is another day that I can bring value to my life,and the lives of those I love.
Wow! Thank you Again, Mark Hamilton
Elaine Ray
That is a great feeling, to know that you create values for yourself, and for your love ones. Mark Hamilton’s Visions, and Prime Literature, are Gifts for everyone to receive.
I have to agree with you, Elaine, and Mitch. Mark Hamilton has provided a life raft, or maybe a life yacht, to help pull people out of the dead end life of value production; working your whole life to make other peoples dreams comes true, and into a life of creation and FUN with lots of happiness and love making YOUR dreams come true. My dreams are coming true. The Twelve Visions party, the Neothink Society, and Mark Hamilton are providing such and immense amount of value to earth and mankind as a whole. We that are in, are the lucky ones.
Your thinking about your life journey is so clear, no longer a raft without a destination. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts, you are an inspiration as is Mark Hamilton and his vision.
I’m glad Mark Hamilton found you Elaine. One day Neothink will be the way everyone will sort through and categorize information in their minds therefore giving us more values, liberty and freedom. Pride and individuality and will reign supreme over the bicameral desire to mindlessly conform.
To have the courage to publish your books Mark took courage, true grits. To find the way to educate so many others with truth, after all the untruths for way to long took insight envision, good job Now we communicate our world with true, our people can stand proud of just how far you’ve come, so many lost so much for thinking or feeling different,some took what they had & went on waiting hoping for their family & friends to see the light of truth. As we waited we didn’t know you or you us . now maybe as we join a family & home of sorts, we will finally be free.
I feel the same way; Mark has thrown a “life raft” to whoever needs it, all you have to do is realize that it’s going to change your life forever. You’ll no longer be stuck in a stagnant rut. You’ll be feeling great doing exactly what you love to do, where you want to do it, with who you’d like to do it with, for the reason of achieving your dreams and helping others do the same!
Thanks Elaine and thanks Mark!