Are you worth a minute in time?
When we were born, we had no choice at what we believed. TV, radio, Parents, religion, government all told us what was “Their real reality beliefs”. When in fact you had no choice to what was truly real in life, only what they thought was real. If you’ll take just a minute and think about this…
When we were little, we believed in magical power. Adults couldn’t see it now, for the same reason we adults can’t see it now, we were told it’s not real, you can’t trust your own thoughts! But what “If” the natural you fresh out of the womb, unspoiled by anything of this world, could see this magic, that we were slowly weaned away from through the media, parents, religion, government, etc,etc, that told us it’s not real.
Swept under the carpet to forget about. This is about each one of us number “Ones” out there.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society and TVP party, is about this. To bring back to you the ability to see the magic in your lifetime, for you, and the people. To “feel” the reason we were born for.
Sincerely, One
Jon R
This is so true! We only knew what we were fed through these sources mentioned. Now dreams may become a reality!
Hello Jon, I feel like you were born once again.
How wounderful feeling when your consciousness mind is work and the magic is happen!. Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Vision Party have made our lives, “Extraordinaires”.
What a wonderful world it will be when the Twelve Visions Party makes this happen. Russ Creamer
Dear Jon
The last line of your testimony( to feel the reason we were born) Its the first time I have read that statement in the hundreds of testimonies I have read, it is a beautiful way to express the end result of a once in a life time opportunity to achieve self worth HEALTH, WEALTH. LOVE AND PEACE as a member of the Neothink Society of Secrets and to be valued for who you are. The twelve Visions Party can make it happen. And one day it will happen.
Melvin G Cornwell 81
If we were to be counted as a group we would not individually vote.
Perhaps we will have enough members in the Neothink to outnumber those who do not take advantage of this priviledge to vote.
Each person is important and the Prime Law makes us even more important and count.
The Society contacted me in 2006 although I believe I had been on the radar screen from early on in my childhood growing up in Colorado due to my familial background. I am writing this letter/testimonial to show my sincere thanks gratitude to Mr. Mark Hamilton and to Neo-Think Society in its Entirety. The Neo-Think Society chose, hand selected me for a lot of different reasons and I am eternally grateful to them. The Neo-Think Society and its Heirloom Literature has saved me from a life of mediocrity, stagnation, mysticism, illusions, disease ridden negative thinking, and has become my Shangri-la during major life changes the last two years.
I still have the life changing letters and Heirloom Packages to this day!! This information is so powerful, that all at once, my life began to take on a whole new deeper meaning immediately. Changes occurred first internally, then as I began to study and study the literature, changes began to happen externally and they were powerful joyous changes even in the midst of some of the hardest things. The changes occurred almost over night!! The literature gives you the ability to face obstacles and challenges with absolute confidence and certainty. You gain wisdom, insight, and knowledge and see things as never before!
Because of the powerful, positive, uplifting literature changes have taken place in my life, I no longer put up with manipulation, external control from any individual or group, I no longer just go along as a follower, but have learned to take control of my life and future and become a value creator. I have realized the most powerful secret; I am 100% responsible for me!! I am no longer swayed like a ship with out a rudder! I am taking control and making my dreams come true, because I have chosen to take the appropriate steps towards becoming integrated and becoming a self -leader. I am not living a lie, or a life of lies and illusions forced upon me from an external individual or group. My eyes have been opened up never to return to that life miserable, stagnant, death and negativity trap that I lived before.
The Law of Attraction began to work immediately in relationships. I also began to have a sharper focus and I felt as though I had the ability to think far into the future outside the box as well as being cognizant of the present. I went back to school for a bit and finished 79 hours of studies. My kids became smarter out of thin air just as a natural by product of me changing. My third grader had the best year ever and both of my boys are only getting smarter.
Opportunities began to open up everywhere. I began to think with the whole brain with more capacity. It was as though my life went through a mind, body, rejuvenating, powerful life cleanse.
I guess you could liken it to a computer. Cleansing the hard drive of viruses, hoaxes, abnormalities, illusions, spyware, malware, mysticism, etc Once, the hard drive is cleansed the computer can be downloaded with the correct, accurate applications for success, wealth, prosperity and happiness.
Well, this is exactly is what has happened to me. Have I arrived yet, no of course not! However, I am still going through changes, downloads and moving in an upward powerful position at a quick clip. This is a continual process of cleansing and getting the most up to date accurate download!
I want to stop here and say a whole lot more, however you are beginning to understand that the Society and Mr. Hamilton have only brought about life, peace, happiness, success and powerful positive changes into my life and to numerous other lives!! I am a living testimony, because everyday just keeps getting brighter and brigher!!!
It is never to late to change!! It is because of the Neo-Think Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton that this is possible!! My life has only changed for the positive, better and become more powerful!! I will become a value creator and only add to values to society in promoting love, honesty, integration, genius and self -leadership skills that can be passed to others. I hope these words will bring hope and healing to everybody everywhere. I am committed, loyal and ever faithful to the TVP, Neo-Think Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton. Thank you Again!! More to come….
Mr. Wes E. Hoffman