What I have always wanted in life is some kind of “niche” where I fit, and yet would always be able to reach out and try something new on for size, or to see if I could grow into the size that would be able to accomplish the betterment of myself and/or a new arena of potential that was appealing to me enough to test it. This “place in my Heart” needed to be able to have enough space for a lot of people, since besides needing alone-time I am the kind of person who likes to explore and share with others.
I joyfully answered the Call of the Neothink Society, since I had retired from my Nursing Career and was beginning again the development of my Art and Music that I had kept up with from a small to moderate degree during my life already. I had done artwork since a child, a love of music then also arose, and later science became big. The mysteries of the Universe and God were also big time enticements to me to learning.
I have had multiple interests, along with a career as an RN/BSN, working in Research/Home Health/Psychiatric areas, some education in a School of Art and Design, some practical experience in Photography, and teaching by a Concert Pianist, all of which I loved. I also had many personal areas of exploration, including researching the Political, Philosophical, and Religious Structures that are alive in the world today. I had met individuals from all over the World through my work and in my personal life, traveled to Europe/the Mediterranean/Africa, researched materials from international researchers/writers.
Because of my broad life experiences, I was supremely surprised to receive this invitation to the Neothink Society, which I had never heard of before. I had been married, divorced, and later widowed from my beloved husband’s sudden death. I had not had children, but have present relatives in this world whom I love and who love me. However, I had always been the lamb of the family who had wandered off into paths of the world my family did not want to enter, though I was visited from time to time wherever I lived in the States.
After I responded YES! to their invitation to join this Society, in order to learn more about myself and life and expansion of my capabilities, I entered into this life with great exhilaration, feeling like I was finally in contact with like-minded individuals whom I had always wanted to live with/work with/accomplish with/etc. From the beginning years, there developed many ways for all of us to stay in contact with each other, and begin to build the foundations of a new and honest world.
Not only was the expansion of the goal to create this beneficial civilization, one that enhanced the living/health/happiness of its people was occurring, but Mark Hamilton did inform us we were starting on a life journey that would enable our Consciousness to expand and grow us into the people we were meant to become, so we can live the life we were meant to live. I did find, along with many others, that this was proved true in more ways than we had anticipated. Not only did many of us find that special essence that makes us who and what we are, but a number of us were suprised to discover abilities and talents that we did not know we possessed when we started this journey! We learned not to limit ourselves through the suppression of our life spirit by the present cultural society we all live in, but to thrive as we freed ourselves from this bondage that we had accepted as “normal”, since we had not known of any better way of living.
Even after the initial year, the Members of this Neothink Society continued to mature in self critique and accomplishment in this new way of thinking, Neothink, to put all the puzzle pieces of ourselves and the potential scenarios together to branch out into growing various areas of a new civilization. We were all loving meeting each other, creating, and sharing the fruits of our preparation for new paradigms being brought about by our Business Alliance, the Clubhouse Building going on, and the comprehension of the Twelve Visions Party’s roots and expansion into the mainstream of America. Our comprehension of the implications of The Prime Law grew and began to “govern” our interactions between ourselves and even our friends and families, that of living together in love and caring for each other with no force or coersion pressed upon each other by ourselves. The idea of a Government of Protection grew in meaning along with this understanding.
Now the time is here when the advancement of the Twelve Visions Party and Prime Law will take precedence in most of our goals, though “Self capture” and “World-capture in Business” continues behind the scenes to ensure the promise of the blossoming of personal talents, the ability to wealth ourselves though fulfillment of personal goals and actual wealth in business can be brought about. We welcome any and all who have found they want to enhance their development and that of our United States toward a more wonderful and free and prosperous Nation.
The Neothink Society and TVP are International now, as other like-minded members joined to work to bring about this better new civilization for all of our citizens, since all peoples are deserving of a safe, prosperous, and happy life here on our Planet Earth. We welcome all new Beings who want to make a new life without the dishonesty so prevalent in the air today…There can be a new way of loving and living and caring among our peoples, cleaning up corruption and dishonesty wherever these occur, and give our country the benefit of coming into its own in a way that opposes what has looked like its demise has been beginning, instead. Other countries will be observing our progress here, and are looking to be encouraged by what happens in the States.
I can only talk about how I have been launched into my new life, and how proud and pleased I am to be associated with a Society and an a-political Twelve Visions Party that can bring wealth, health, peace to a Nation sadly in need of assistance to pull out of the mire of a downfall brought about by the ruling elite of the States and the wealthy of the world Banking System which has brought about the gradual, slow removal of many freedoms of a Free People, the bankrupting of a Nation, the downgrading of our lives, for many into poverty, and a blow to the very life force and spirit of a heretofore leading Country, looked up to from around the world!
So many citizens are discouraged, angry, feeling powerless, and hurting from the mismanagement that is bringing about our Nation’s downfall, and are very disappointed by not seeing the changes that were promised in the last Presidential Election. I would have been one of them, except for the past 5 years of experience in this Neothink Society, and my understanding of what the Twelve Visions Party stands for and what it can bring about!!!
If you are sitting on the fence or firmly entrenched in believing in our present two political parties, or even searching for new solutions, I would offer a new perspective to entertain. Your might encourage yourself or give permission to yourself to open up to new possibilities and begin to think outside the box of what our country has deteriorated to, and return to the values our America started out with…Our Founding Fathers had the right idea, and now our TVP has picked up where they left off–>from the Rule of Man to the Rule of Law. To find out what that means, you can go on the Internet to www.tvpnc.org and learn of this new a-political party and the thoughts of Mark Hamilton, its founder, and Mentor of the Neothink Society. Every new Thinker, Innovator, and Leader who emerges into the mainstream of society and challenges the powers that be will at first be looked askance at, then investigated by enquiring minds, who will make their final decisions which will bring about, in this case the Election of a President when that time comes…Please do not long delay your choice for the TVP–> Our America can’t wait too long.
As a former President said: (paraphrased with a broad regard for freedom of speech): The USA is going to hell in a hand basket, held by the ruling elitists, and all because good people do nothing to stop it!!! Are you going to break the mold and become one of the heroes of the people? Pave the way for a new honest Civilization here in our Universe, and for a new beneficial Government of Protection-Only?
Vote for the TVP!!! Remember: www.tvpnc.org and reveal to yourself what you need to know to make your personal decisions and vote for the TVP. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and TVP must not be stopped, so that our USA can be freed from its bondage and rise again with all of us to heights undreamed of in splendor and prosperity. Our health and
longevity can be enhanced when our Geniuses are released to be freed in their creativity to take care of all our ills…What a life and World this will become!!! Join us….
With LOVE,
Lila Bennett
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