Dear Mark Hamilton,
I have been an avid reader of all of your writings, as well as your father’s and brother’s. I followed with great interest your father’s legal actions with the IRS. I, too, was attacked by the IRS, actually the Dept of Justice. I was indicted after the government falsified Social Security records and then at trial the government suborned perjury and the IRS witness committed perjury. The government also falsified IRS tax transcripts. After all of the above, the jury still wasn’t convinced so the federal judge told the jury to find me guilty. After all the felonies committed by the government, I was found guilty of a misdemeanor and then sentenced to jail for 2 years. I have Freedom of Information Act responses from the IRS and the Social Security Administration that evidence the above government felonies. It is this background that led to the following information.
It is of the utmost importance that the following information be passed along – everything herein is based upon the actual statutes and regulations now in place. I relied on your Neothink values to think for myself and do the hard work to study the law from the organic documents of this country. It has taken me 12 years to gather the following.
The Declaration of Independence did something that had not ever been done before – establish a country where the individual is sovereign. All other governments in all other countries automatically presume that the government is in charge, whether it is a monarchy, dictatorship, or some kind of Socialistic regime.
The Declaration of Independence’s main tenet is that “all men are created equal”. The Constitution is bound by this main tenet and, therefore, only grants the federal government jurisdiction over foreign commerce, interstate commerce, and trade with the Indians. The Constitution does not and cannot grant the federal government any jurisdiction over sovereign Americans (intrastate commerce). There is no infrastructure provided by the Constitution that the federal government can use to enforce any of its regulatory agencies’ actions as applies to a sovereign American. In the terminology of Neothink, the Declaration of Independence’s main tenet that “all men are created equal” is tantamount to the Prime Law that there can be no initial use of force.
Great Britain may have lost the American Revolution on the battlefield, however, the monarchy sent in its bankers to slowly bankrupt America’s federal government. The key for the bankers was to include all Americans as subjects of the federal government while making it appear that the law was being obeyed.
The bankers worked from the beginning to make it appear that the federal government had jurisdiction over all Americans and toward that end brainwashed and conned the American public (with the constant help of the controlled media) by two main contracts – (1) the Birth Certificate and (2) Social Security.
Since an American is sovereign, there is no reason to enter into any contract with the federal government. A person born in one of the States is a sovereign American not subject to the federal government’s intrusions.
The Birth Certificate establishes a residence and citizenship in Puerto Rico (see 26 CFR 25.2501-1(c) for the actual example) – this is the creation of the 14th Amendment citizen, known legally as the “U.S. Citizen”. A “U.S. citizen” is, therefore, born in one of the States and also subject to federal jurisdiction, which is what the 14th Amendment states. The U.S. possessions are foreign to the Constitution as they have not become States. The Birth Certificate is issued by the Department of Commerce, and as pointed out above, the federal government only has jurisdiction over foreign commerce, interstate commerce, and trade with the Indians.
FICA is a U.S. possession tax (see 26 USC section 7655) – the federal government has no jurisdiction in the States, so it must stay within its limited Constitutional confinement.
The “Form SS-5” that one uses to apply for a Social Security # is actually a federal employment form. The “Form SS-5” only has boxes to check if you are a “U.S. citizen” or a type of alien – foreign commerce. You became a “taxpayer”, a member of the Merchant Marine (26 CFR 2.1-1(a)(5). Only a federal employee is subject to federal employment taxes.
In 1913 the banker controlled Congress created the Federal Reserve and the push to finish their job moved forward in earnest. The federal government was bankrupted in 1933 and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) was created in order to implement the statutes of the United States Code (USC). Title 11 USC, “Bankruptcy”, is implemented by title 11 CFR, “Federal Elections” – this correlation evidences that the federal government is bankrupt and our elections are simply to elect a bankruptcy “administration”.
Great Britain’s bankers, through the Federal Reserve, are now running the federal government as a bankrupt entity and proceeding forward under the foreign commerce clause where the government is sovereign. We Americans can simply restore our sovereignty and abolish all the federal government’s abusive regulatory agencies by understanding the game being foisted upon us.
This information should be a part of the Twelve Visions Party – it will give a bedrock upon which to build a better future free from government initiatory force.
Thank you for your writings and insights.
Larry L. S
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