I remember when I received my first correspondence from Mark Hamilton. It was a letter sent in a red, white, and blue trimmed envelope. The letter stated that I was entering the second phase of my life which was necessary to absorb his material. He urged me to purchase the first of three Multi-Generation Manuscripts. I was a little skeptical at first. But something inside me made me want to see if what Mark was saying was true. That my life will be changed for the better. The moment I started reading I felt a sensation that I have never felt before. It was a feeling of excitement and nervousness combined. I couldn’t get enough. Chapter after chapter of values to help me improve my life. To allow me to see the truth in a world filled with illusions. Shortly after, I received another correspondence urging me to purchase his second of three Multi-Generational Manuscripts. He told me in that letter that he wanted to invite me deeper into the Neothink Society and include me in the Secret Meetings. My curiosity was running wild at this point. I wanted to to know what those Secret Meetings were. I purchased the second Multi-Generational Manuscript and got introduced to Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions. What a Value! Mark Hamilton is a true visionary! Then I purchased and read the third Multi-Generational Manuscript entitled “Miss Annabelle’s Secrets”. Reading that touched me deeply emotionally. I love Miss Annabelle. I admire here strength and passion for life. That book also introduced me to the political movement, The Twelve Visions Party. It was a factional story of one of Miss Annabelle’s former students becoming the first TVP President. It went into detail of the obstacles that had to be overcome. It also went into detail of how our quality of life will improve in the Twelve Vision’s World.
Then came the Secret Meetings. The Secret Meetings were Mentoring sessions with Mark Hamilton. That’s when I found out that that strange feeling I had was the child of my past awakening. I was so excited when it was announced that Mark Hamilton and his Neothink Society are making the Twelve Vision’s Party a reality. The Twelve Vision’s Party will then make the Twelve Vision’s World a reality and not just a fantasy.
Hi Jill,
I guess so many of us were intrigued and so thirsty for what we could learn from those who had been able to pull themselves out of the stagnation traps of this confusing and illusionary world, I read with great anticipation and satisfaction at what I gleaned from each of the Multigenerational Manuscripts. I also couldn’t wait to join those incredible people that I felt were possibly like me, more than most I had met in my life.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party w/Prime Law are the solutions to all the inequities I had come across during the years of living, and what opportunities were opened up to any of us, ground floor type, if we wanted to invest in ourselves and our growth as Human Consciousnesses! The expansion to extraordinary thinking processes was the clincher for me=called Neothink! The Great Puzzle snapper together, allowing one to see whatever big picture that was being focused upon!
If anyone is curious, call for Mark’s latest Book called Wealth, Health, Peace at 1-888-859-6859, and look this website over: http://www.tvpnc.org
Love, Lila